Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Business strategies for Entrepreneurs: 21 Ways to Get Publicity

21 Ways to Get Publicity and Increase Sales! By Robert Smith Do you know what made Dr. Phil famous? It was his weekly appearances on Oprah. Was he the world's smartest psychologist? Is he the most handsome? I don't think so. So, why is Dr. Phil rich and famous...and not you? It's because of publicity. Publicity is one of the most powerful forms of advertising. Reporters are constantly on the lookout for products, companies, and individuals to write about. If you're not using publicity then you are missing out on sales and leaving a lot of money on the table. Advertising mixed with publicity or PR (public relations) can increase sales in a short period of time. The 2 Biggest Reasons PR Doesn't Help Business Owners 1) Business owners aren't familiar wi View the rest of this article

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