Monday, July 9, 2007

Why Should You Sell Information Online?

The Internet! The World Wide Web! The Information
Super Highway! There is a very good reason why it is
call the information super highway. That reason is
because that is exactly what it is. There are, of
course, some ‘slow lanes’ for those who only want to
talk to friends and play games but most people now
days turn to the Internet for the purpose of getting
answers to questions about everything you can imagine
and a few things you would never want to try to
imagine. They buy things and sell things…both require
information. They search for ways to make money using
their computers… for that they REALLY need information.
They search for information about the illnesses they
or their family face or they research projects for
work or school. Information is THE Internet commodity
that almost everybody with a computer wants.
There is a lot of information online that costs
nothing above the cost of the Internet connection but
timely, relevent, vital information is one thing that
people eagerly take out their credit cards to buy.
People will buy information that they can’t get free
and, the strange thing is, they will also buy
information that is readily available on the Internet
free of charge if it is packaged in a way that makes
it easy to read and understand. Inforamtion is the
ultimate commodity and wealth goes to those there
first with the timeliest information!
For those looking for a way to earn a living while
sitting in front of their computers in their own
homes, I recommend selling information. Information is
a beautiful thing. It requires no warehouse space and,
unless it is in the form of a CD or DVD, it requires
no shipping or handling either. The one thing that
people will gladly pay for is information that is
timely, relevent and helps them solve a problem, feel
better or look better.
Types of Info Products You Can Create
Informational products come in three specific forms.
There are the written vaiety (e-books), audio tapes or
CD’s and there are video products that are either in
the form of a DVD or available on the Internet.
The topics of informational products are as varied as
the people who buy them. There are informational
products sold everyday on every subject you can
possibly imagine and probably on a lot of subjects you
would rather never imagine. People buy information.
Information is a commodity that is valued in every
industrialized society on the planet.
No matter what vehicle you choose to use to present
your informational product (e-book, audio or video),
topics fall into general catagories and the vehicle
you choose needs to be the best one to present your
information to your audience.
One type of informational product that is probably the
very most popular is the how-to product. If you know
how to do anything at all, there are people out there
who want to know how to do it, as well. People are
interesting in everything from building bird houses to
scuba diving to starting their own internet business
and they are willing to pay for the information about
how to do the thing they desire to learn. An e-book
works well for teaching many how-to-do things but if
the subject being taught requires learning an action
(sports, dancing, or playing a musical instrument for
example) then a video is the better choice.
Inspirational or motivational information products are
good sellers on the Internet. Products that are filled
with success stories and case studies give people
hope…and hope is in demand every where.
Products that give up-to-date information about
chronic diseases are always in demand. Every day
people are diagnosed with some kind of disease they
have no information about and they want to know
everything they can learn about it and they want to
hear how other people deal with it.
Choose a topic that will help people solve a problem
or make their lives better in some way and you will
have a winning informational product for which there
will be a ready made market.
The Elements of a Top Quality Info Product
What exactly is the purpose of an informational
product other than to impart information? Or, is there
one? Well, yes, there is another objective. It is to
impart information and do it in a way that the
information is easily and quickly absorbed by the
buyer of that information.
The creator of informational products should have
respect for the time of the buyer of the product.
Everybody gets the same number of hours in a day and
each person considers their alloted share valuable.
Wasting a person’s time is, in a way, disrespectful.
It isn’t written anywhere that an e-book needs to be
forty or fifty pages long. That many pages of single
spaced type takes a long time to read and even longer
to absorb and put into action. Most of the time people
who buy informational e-books do so for the purpose of
gaining knowledge or solving a problem and they
usually want to do either in the shortest period of
time possible. They really don’t want to wade through
irrelevent information that is there for the sole
purpose of making the e-book fifty pages long. An
e-book should be only twenty to forty pages long
depending upon the information contained in it and
sometimes e-books can be a lot shorter than twenty
pages and still be effective.
The whole point of an e-book is to convey information
and do it in as efficient a manner as possible. As
long as the product offers a solution to a problem,
informs the reader or makes his life better in some
way, it has done what it was designed to do.
People buy e-books for the sole purpose of gaining the
information in them. Their time is valuable and you
should remember that sometimes people are desperate
for information or, at the very least, have a limited
amount of time to read and absorb the information in

Mark Sandquist is the Editor of eAuthorResources NewsLetter. provides FREE Help and FREE Marketing Software for eBook Authors, Software Developers and their Affiliates and Resellers.

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