Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What's mean battery Shorted Cells(1)?

What's mean battery Shorted Cells(1)? What's mean battery Shorted Cells(1)? Applying momentary high-current bursts in an attempt to repair shorted cells has had limited success. The short may temporarily evaporate but the damage to the separator material remains. The repaired cell often exhibits a high self-discharge and the short frequently returns. Replacing a shorted cell in an aging pack is not recommended unless the new cell is matched with the others in terms of voltage and capacity. Otherwise, an imbalance may occur. One may remember the biblical verse "No one puts a patch of unshrunken cloth on an old garment. . ." or "No man would put new wine into old wineskins. . ." (Mt 9.16-17). Attempts to replace faulty cells ha View the rest of this article

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