Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Parents! Ready to go Back to Work?

So you have taken the past 5 years off of work to raise your child and now you are ready to return to the workforce. Now what?! It's a competitive market out there and having a 5 year gap doesn't help things, but here is a tip to help you get started. What I want to share with you, you will need to draw from both your professional experience as well as your experience from being a parent and staying at home. The tip is simply this: Work Experience Stories. WES are short stories about either how you overcame an obstacle, resolved a major challenge, negotiated a better deal, or a host of other corporate-related topics. These stories have a simple format: the issue, the body of the story, and the result. Let's look at 2 examples, one from your former corporate experienc View the rest of this article

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