Friday, July 13, 2007

SEO Training: How to Prepare Your Company

SEO or search engine optimization refers to the process of attempting to influence your company’s position in the organic search engine results pages as a means of driving targeted traffic to your website. While years ago company’s were choosing to fully outsource SEO to third parties, today companies are starting to realize that they can achieve better long-term results through training their in-house staff in what it takes to get to the top page of search engines for their choice of keywords and phrases. If your company is intending to invest in an SEO training day, or for on-going training, for your marketing, IT and business development functions then you can ensure that you get the most out of the training through ensuring that you know some basics and can truly get the most out of your company’s investment. Know Your Competitors Before attending your training day you should look at your competitor’s websites and get an idea of where they are ranking in the search engine result pages. Through being aware of your competition specifically, your SEO training provider will be able to offer advice on how your company can compete with them and will also have a greater understanding of how to tailor the session to issues which may be specific to your sector. Consider Keywords That You Would Like to Rank For You should make a list of the keywords that you would like people to find your website under. Rather than merely limiting your keywords to the plain obvious, you should also try to think of many other variations which could imply intent towards buying your products and services. Once you have developed a list of keywords your SEO training company will be able to offer their input into how effective they might be, and they will also be able to give you training towards how you might go about quantifying the search traffic that each keyword is likely to yield. Have Specific Questions? If you have any questions that you would like to ask your SEO trainer, then what better way to ask them than during their sessions. You should make a list of the questions that you would like to ask, in order to ensure you remember to ask them. Do Some SEO Research Doing some reading online about SEO could be helpful in allowing you to gain some initial understanding, and therefore you will be more apt at digesting the information that they present to you during your training session. When reading online resources to learn about SEO for the first time, it is perhaps best to ensure that you double check everything you read and never take anything you read as gospel. Although some information that you are presented with is mere fact, other information can be sketchier. When you speak with your training company, they will be able to clear up any uncertainty that you have. Remember that SEO is an on-going process, and is not something that you will only learn once when it is such a complicated and constantly changing marketing channel. For more information about Internet Marketing please visit

Jeff Goodwin, a proficient writer, writes articles for The author writes articles about Internet Marketing UK and Online Marketing UK. are accessible on the internet.

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