Thursday, July 12, 2007

Identifying And Coping With Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder is a neurological dysfunction but your best chances of coping with it and making it better for the afflicted child (or adult) is an early diagnosis. Learn to identify the signs of ADD and ADHD and be aware of a consistent display of these symptoms. Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD, sometimes also referred to as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD needs to be diagnosed as early as possible to provide treatment and even a possible cure for the afflicted person. But in reality, the diagnosis of ADD should be considered a start to the process, not an end.

ADD is a neurological dysfunction and at this point in time, there are no studies that can conclusively report that there is a cure. To a certain extent, diagnosis of ADD or ADHD is almost subjective and a matter of opinion, but even so, it really is a disease or a dysfunction, although some people (typically children) have it more severely than others. The diagnosis of ADD is never simple and typically requires a thorough investigation into the possible causes of it. There are almost always external factors that play a large role in ADD, and medication will never be the sole cure or sole treatment of it.

Attention Deficit Disorder usually begins early in childhood when a child first begins to develop their verbal speech and language skills. Experts in this field have a very strong theory that the ADD/ADHD child is for some reason being delayed in their development of self-control and self-regulation, and they will get extremely frustrated with their inability to adequately communicate. To be more concise, the ADD/ADHD child is unable to stop and think before responding to a situational demand or requirement. Some studies indicate that the ADD/ADHD child is about 30% or more behind their peers in their ability to self-manage, self-control, organize, and plan for the future. One of the problems with this is that parents need to realize that this 30% is not made up for in total as the child continues to develop unless treatment and accommodations for the ailment can be provided.

ADD and ADHD afflictions are not limited to children, even though that is the most common place it is seen. But consider also that ADD rarely comes on suddenly, so an adult who is diagnosed with ADD very likely had ADD as a child and was never diagnosed with it. In the adult, the symptoms of ADD/ADHD are often disruptive, though it is not intentional disruption. One of the signs of ADD/ADHD in adults as well as children is that anxiety is amplified. Given a situation that might cause one to feel anxiety, the anxiety level in the ADD/ADHD patient is at an even greater level.

Unfortunately, Attention Deficit Disorder and its closely related cousin Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are complex conditions that are not well understood by the scientific or medical community today. But studies continue and new information is being learned about this affliction all the time. While it is known that ADD and ADHD are neurological disorders, tests and studies are being done to determine what part of the brain or nervous system is affected most, and if there are medications that can reliably treat this without causing even more severe side effects.

The best thing you can do is to get an early diagnosis by a trained medical professional for ADD. They can evaluate the severity of the affliction and make sound recommendations as to how to work with the afflicted patient and steps you should take for them to give them the best chance of success as they grow older.

Jon is a computer engineer with a wide variety of skills and expertise in many areas. To get more information about

href="">Attention Deficit Disorder
, please visit his web site at

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