Thursday, July 5, 2007

Residual Autopilot Cash Flow Income: Shortcut To Fast Internet Wealth

This article is about the “SECRET” on how to succeed in home based business opportunity program without doing any work or selling a product/service or doing any cold calling or listening to conference calls or doing affiliate programs or MLM programs or eBay auction business or working your self to death trying to get website traffics so as to generate sales or doing any other moronic, time consuming, fluffy and nutty internet money making program filled with hassles It seems that millions of people have dabbled into various home based business programs and spent money and time for a couple of years working themselves to death to succeed but have failed miserably and are frustrated and may have given up on their dreams of creating true wealth and financial security from a home based business. Are you one of these people? If yes, read on to discover an eye-opening "SECRET" which may rock your world and finally give you the little known “SECRET GOLDEN KEY” to unlock vast internet wealth and make all your dreams to come true. Most people got fade up from doing 9-5 jobs and all the stress and hassles involved and decided to try their luck in doing home based business opportunity programs which they operate from home to generate auto-pilot cash flow. However, most of these people are ordinary folks who have no computer programming or business marketing or webmaster or web designing or website promotion skills. Therefore to get their home based business programs off the ground, they had to spend a lot of time and money to seek and find website designers, web hosting companies, website marketing information and had to read hundreds of e-zines, e-books as well as attend $5000 hot seminars conducted by snake oil internet marketing wannabe gurus. Yes, there are millions of people who are making large amounts of money doing home business programs and even affiliate programs. Ironically, they include these so-called internet marketing gurus. However, the problem is that they do not tell you the whole truth about the “secret” to get rich doing home based business program, because they don’t want you to know the WHOLE SECRET and begin to compete with them! They do not tell you the WHOLE TRUTH about how to generate website traffics. If you cannot generate massive website traffics, you will not get website visitors or sales and you will fail. There are very powerful little known secrets on how to generate massive website traffics for any home based business program. However, the so called gurus and webmasters do not share all the secrets. They sell only half truths to you for $39.99. Half truths are very dangerous because they complicate matters and waste your valuable time and resources. Some home business marketers have been told by the internet marketing gurus to buy traffics from traffic companies, to do banner advertising, to do opt-in e-mail marketing or joint ventures. Most of these internet marketing strategies have been dead and invalid for a few years now. They do not work anymore. There are millions of fake traffic companies selling 1000 traffics for $10, 50,000 traffics for $50, 1,000,000 traffics for $500. So, you spent your hard earned money to buy the traffics. And you are told it would take about a month for them to deliver all the traffics and a report and proof will be sent to you after the traffics were sent. So you waited for a month, but at the end, you did not get even one sale, even though the traffic company claimed they had sent 1,000,000 traffics to your website and also gave you a proof for it. What you did not realize was that, yes, they sent 1,000,000 hits to your website, but they were computer generated, and not real human beings! That was the reason why you did not generate even one sale. You have been conned and ripped off! So, you felt angry, scammed and frustrated. Therefore, you decided to try to get traffics from the search engines. So, you squandered $5000 to attend seminars by the so-called website marketing gurus and spent a lot of time reading all their hare-brained silly e-books and listening to their tapes and watching their videos. From all these you probably learned how to optimize your website, do link exchange and submit your website to search engines. But what happened after you did all these? To your horror, you discovered that the major search engines would not even index your website for at least 6 months! This is what is called being sandboxed. Your website was placed on probation for at least 6 months. So, there was no way to get any traffic. Your website had not been included in their databases. So, since there was nothing you could do about that, you decided to wait. You waited and waited for 6 months. Then luckily, finally in about 8 months it was indexed. Therefore, you started expecting traffics and hits from the search engines so you could finally start making sales and earning income. But what happened when you checked your keywords positions in the major search engines? You became shocked to discover that the largest corporations dominated all your keywords and your website was no where to be found in the top 100 websites in the search results! Holy mackerel, you moaned. No wonder you were not getting any traffics or hits or making any sales! Ouch. That hurts. It was then about 1 yr since you started your efforts to earn income from a home based business program. At that point, you were angry, frustrated and disappointed. Who would blame you? Nobody enjoys failure. So you decided to fight on by hiring a website search engine optimization company (SEO or SEM) to do all the work for you so you could get to the top 10 positions in your keywords and begin to generate traffics and sales. You plunked down $2,500 for the SEO company to work their magic for you, in addition to agreeing to pay another $100-$250 monthly for them to maintain your keyword positions. They told you that you should not expect any result for at least 3 months-6 months and you had to agree because you had no choice. If the SEO company you hired was a genuine one and they did their work right, yes, in 3-6 months, you would finally started getting traffics and sales. Yahoo! You exclaimed out of excitement. At last, you finally made it. You felt happy and wanted to scream and tell the whole world. Sales were coming in. You were then able to start paying some of your bills, especially your rent or mortgage, insurance, medical and car loan as well as other payments. But after 3 months when the major search engines updated their databases, your keyword positions disappeared and suddenly your website traffics as well as your sales screeched to zero! You were back to where you began! Zero! No traffic and no sales, in addition to having spent $2,500 and additional maintenance fee of $100-$200 monthly for about 3 months. When you phoned the SEO company, they told you that it was not their fault and they would keep charging you $100-$200 monthly as you agreed and that you must have patience because after the next search engine update, your website keyword positions could go back up to the top 10 positions again. You do not have to go through this. Enough is enough. This is not how those who are getting rich online are making it. There is a better way to get rich online without selling your soul to the devil. And what is great about it is that there is no website required, no product/services to promote, no search engine optimization needed because there is nothing to sell, so you do not need any traffics or to squander your hard earned money paying website search engine optimization companies $2,500 plus $100-$200 monthly. This little known but extremely potent and powerful millionaire’s secret of creating, preserving and propagating wealth is 100% legal, easy and fun to do. All you will be required to do will be to open a special “INTERNET FINANCIAL ACCOUNT”, click your mouse and enter a "SPECIAL CODE NUMBER", then click your mouse a second time and you make money. ( The amount of money you make may vary from $100 every hr to $2,500 daily and even $100,000 monthly. And you can make fast cash all day, 7 days and 365 days from the comfort of your home or office and from any country in the world. There is no limitation on how much money that you can make. It is the fastest and greatest “SECRET” to creating infinite wealth on the internet without doing any work. Read my lips: no work. Nada. Zip. This is hot stuff and that may be the reason why you may not have heard about it because the millionaires and the “power elites” who have been using it to create vast wealth without doing any work have hushed it up and jealously hidden it and kept it away from the public. Can you blame them? If you wake up tomorrow and discover that there is a goldmine or treasure in the ground under your home, will you place a full page ad in New York Times newspaper to tell the whole world? However, for a little goodwill fee, you can learn about this mind boggling millionaire’s ($100,000 monthly for life) fast wealth creating “SECRET”. Anything great that is worth its weight in GOLD costs money. If you’re frustrated and you are “sick and tired” of being “sick and tired” because of your failure to get rich from home based business programs, then you must get this jealously guarded ($100,000 monthly for life) fast wealth creation “SECRET” and use it to create abundant wealth, financial security, success, and happiness which you richly deserve. You can discover how to get rich from this jealously guarded ($100,000 monthly for life) “SECRET” of the “Money and Power” Elites, the multi-national and multi-billion dollars corporations, largest banks and governments of the world, the “Movers & Shakers” of International Banking & Finance, Business moguls & Tycoons, CEOs of major Corporations, secret societies and the privileged blue bloodlines of the Wealthiest Families of Europe and the Americas. With the millions of dollars which you could potentially make from this $100,000 monthly for life, millionaire’s “SECRET”, you’ll be free like a bird to buy a mansion, with the most lavish and expensive furnishings, jewelry, antiques, electronics, a 50ft yacht, dream luxury cars, pick your choice: Lexus X470, $44,000 Jaguar 2007 S type, Silver Porsche Carrera, $180,000 Ferrari Testarossa, Mercedes 2007 Model S Class, 2007 Rolls Royce Silver Seraph, Bentley Mulsanne S, $220,000 Bentley Arnage Silver Tempest or a flaming red Lamborghini Jalpa! You can make all your dreams in life to come true, without any hard work! May these insights into home based business opportunity, online income opportunity, internet wealth secret, internet millionaire secret, shortcut to online wealth, home business internet money making, earn income online, residual auto-pilot cash flow program, website traffics, website sales, affiliate program, website marketing, website search engine optimization, SEO, SEM major search engines, website internet marketing gurus, help you make millions of dollars and to achieve your life’s ambitions and dreams. Copyright Info: This article is copyrighted and you may publish this article at your website, in your e-zine (newsletter, blogs) or send it to a friend as long as you retain the author’s resource box, including the website address, and refrain from altering the content or using it in any re-direction manipulation scheme. If you do not agree to these conditions, please do not copy and use this article. Anyone who violates this condition will be subject to legal action and payment of damages for violation of our copyrights. Thank you. Ikey Benney I-key is the creator of $100,000 monthly for life automated home based business autopilot cash flow program Discover the jealously guarded “WEALTH SECRET” of the rich and powerful. No work involved.

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