Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Removing Resistance

Joe’s had a tough time getting production numbers for the month. He’s done a great job, getting plenty of prospects to listen to his presentations, yet he keeps getting the big stall. No decision is always a decision! As he checks his email he finds a note from Business Architects regarding the teleconference that evening with Dr. Knowles on “How to Overcome Resistance.” Joe thinks to himself, “I wonder if this guy might have some answers for me. Sure can’t hurt to listen.” That evening Joe closes his office door and dials the phone. As he listens to what Dr. Knowles and Harlan have to say, he gets excited. The pen in his hand is going as fast as it can to get all the information down. “Wow, this makes so much sense but I never thought of it that way before!” What is being presented that has got Joe captivated? Joe reviews his notes and realizes he could have applied these ideas on virtually every one of his sales calls that week! It would have made a difference! The next day Joe sees a fellow salesperson Zack and says, “Wow, the call I was on last night was awesome! There was so much I can use and can’t wait to get going on it!” “Like what?” asks Zack. “Well, a guy named Dr. Eric Knowles was on the teleconference being interviewed by Harlan Goerger about various strategies he has studied to get rid of resistance instead of trying to overcome it! It was great stuff and here are the two ideas I’m using today!” replies Joe. Joe begins, “It’s like this, Harlan and Dr. Knowles stated that everyone has resistance and it is always there in varying degrees. The problem is most people try to overcome it with facts-features-benefits or polish up their proposal to look prettier. It’s what we were taught to do! What I learned is we need to acknowledge it, deal with it and the majority of the time it disappears!” “The other day I had one customer that was really picking everything apart. I couldn’t make him satisfied with anything I said or offered. He was showing a lot of what Harlan and Dr. Knowles called “skepticism resistance”. I learned during the tele-seminar that I should have addressed the resistance head on and reframed his behavior as a positive instead of a negative.” “Reframe?” asks Zack, looking confused? “Yes, take the skeptical resistance and turn it into a positive for both of us.” Here is how it would work. My customer is getting nit picky and resistant to my suggestion. I should stop and say something like this: Mr. Customer, I must admit that having a customer like you is a pleasure. So many people just make snap decisions and buy things without really examining the details. By really examining this proposal like you are, I am sure the business we do together will be of high quality and long term. Thank you for being so cautious in your purchase. What is it I can do to help you be sure of your choice?” “Huh, he is being a real jerk and you’re going to compliment him?” asks Zack. “Absolutely”, replies Joe, “you see the resistance he is displaying, is like having an 800 pound gorilla in the room. Both parties know its there, but choose to ignore it, the problem is the gorilla keeps the decision from being made. It is so simple, we acknowledge the gorilla and then reframe it as a positive behavior. In doing so, our 800 pound gorilla goes away!” “Joe, my boots are not that high, what kind of BS is this?” snaps Zack. “I appreciate your skepticism on this; it’s healthy to question new ideas. My question for you is, what could it do for you, if it works?” ask Joe. “Ya, I could use some help getting more sales,” replies Zack, “Tell me more.” “It’s just like they said on the teleconference, once the parties involved, acknowledge the resistance that is naturally there, it reduces the importance if not totally making it disappear!” “You said there were two ideas you were going to use today, what’s the other one?” demands Zack! “This is really interesting and the more I thought about it the more I realized how many times I use it in my own decision making. It’s called projecting into the future. My understanding is that when we are asked to make a choice today, our mind focuses on the costs, the implementation and the actions that are going to be needed now. TODAY! When we make a decision based in the future, we look more at “the results we can have at sometime other than today” because of the decision made today. Okay, so based on that explanation, which would method would it be easier to get a yes from; present choice or future choice?” asks Joe. “I would have to say the future choice would be easier, right?” asks Zack. “That’s right, by talking in terms of the future or guiding them to that future picture using questions; they make the decision based on that future use and result rather than the painful stuff they may encounter today.” Joe replies with a smile. “Give me an example of this concept?” queries Zack. “I realize that to trying a new method always takes time and effort when you first start. My question is what do you see happening six months from now when you have mastered this new technique?” “Well I would hope more sales and bigger checks to cash!” is the reply. “So think about the day six months from now and you’re at the bank depositing those larger commission checks. How does that feel? Would that be worth some time, effort and investment today to make that happen?” ask Joe. “Yes it would!” exclaims Zack. “Now how easy was it for you to say yes to that?” asks Joe. “Wow that could really work, it felt easy to say yes to that picture six months out!” Zack replies. “Oh yeah, by the way, during the tele-seminar, Harlan gave lots of examples showing how these tools also work for managers and even parents! As Harlan puts it, no one is exempt from resistance to their ideas from another party!” Joe adds. “Here is the real kicker! During the teleconference one of Harlan’s guests, Dr. Richard Jonas out of Seattle, WA, called in. Dr. Jonas is working with the top 20% of his sales force using a variation of this method. They’re seeing a 20-40% increase in their closing ratio! Guess what, Dr. Jonas has agreed to be on a teleconference with Harlan this week to explain to us how he does it!” “Really, when is that, I have to hear this first hand!” exclaims Zack. Join Harlan as he interviews Dr. Robert Jonas and how he has applied the Omega Strategies to increase the closing ratios of his top performers! The date is March 7, 2007 at 7:30 pm CST. Check the side bar of The Influencer for the details! Questions on what reducing resistance is all about? Contact Harlan@BusArc.com © Harlan Goerger, 3/2007 all rights reserved Harlan Goerger is President of H. Goerger & Associates with 25 plus years in the Sales/Management training business. Contact Harlan@BusArc.com for more about training, speaking and developing business performance

Article Source: http://www.articlepros.com

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