Saturday, July 7, 2007

How do I Succeed in Affiliate Marketing ?

Many people are being lured into the world of affiliate marketing and you might indeed be one of them. Affiliate marketing is now one of the most popular ways of generating a full-time income through the selling power of the Internet. In theory and sometimes in practise the Merchant and the Affiliate both benefit from each sale made. As long as the Affiliate has designed his advertising campaign in the right way, understands the correct promotion of his site or link and has defined his Pre-Sale before passing the potential customer onto his or her Merchant. To just have a link thro to the Merchant is usually a waste of time, they need to be sold on the idea before reaching the Shop. This takes hard work by the Affiliate but if it is done correctly once it works, it works forever and more importantly it works automatically. Everyday, as the online marketing industry continues to grow more and more competitive an affiliate marketer must be creative, beligerent and at all times remain positive.

In comparison with mainstream business advertising affiliate programs should be more efficent but please don’t waste your hard earned dollars advertising Affiliate URL’s. The bear minimum requirement is a landing or affiliate page, a place to house your links and where you can convince your visitors to buy. If they are just shown an anonymous web site and have not been Pre- Sold why should they buy, would you? Sure you might make the occasional lucky sale but it’s not exactly a business plan is it?

Believe in yourself, believe in what you are trying sell and make your landing page a statement of your belief in both. Please remember the general public is now pretty well on to what sells online and for what price. So please ensure that whatever product you try to sell is good and also value for money, the one questtion you must ask yourself is ‘Would I buy this’? If the answer is no, find a different product.

We are told everywhere online to find a niche product and it is generally good advice but if vast quantities of the same website are sold or given away it is no longer a niche. The only way to truly find a market like this is on your own don’t rely on buying one.
The best way to develop a niche market is to research it first, find what is selling and then find Affiliate sources in that field. Make sure that the Merchants sell competive products, at a saleable price and that your percentage is good. Then make your page or site, SEO it and when you are happy with the result do the whole thing over again with a different niche.

The Affiliate marketer should be constantly on the lookout for their next project or product. Surfing will give a general idea of what is currently available and in what direction the markets are leading. You could do worse than checking the hot sales on eBay to find your next niche project. The on thing that you must do is carry on with each project until you are happy with the result, even if that particular one fails to make money you will learn from the experience.

For each and every project that currently have running it is important to be seen as an expert in that field. If you have no knowledge of your own to fall back on read articles, books, online searches, etc… and as soon as you feel confident write articles, Ezines or just emails, let everyone think you have genuine expertise in that subject. Generally article writing is a very solid base for your page or website, because of the links in the about the author box. Article submission if carried out manually is a time consuming business but even then it is still worth it. Tools for Automatic Submittion of articles are available online and really are a must have tool. To get the high natural listing in search engines is everyones goal and articles with their back links are a means to that end.
And finally I think we could all learn a little from that spider in the cave that Robert the Bruce hid in all those years ago. If at first you don’t succeed try, try again.About the Author

Chancer has several Online Business Information Sites because Online Information is Everything

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