Thursday, November 8, 2007

Skip the Tie This Father's Day, Try Something New

I remember past Father's Day celebrations well. Mom would buy dad something he asked for while us kids would use his money (our allowance) to buy him something I am positive he not only didn't want, but didn't need as well. Sure, I's the thought that counts. Unfortunately, the only thought I have about those particular days centers around the astonishment I have that dad could keep a straight face after opening our gifts, much less offer up a gracious "thank you" as he always did. I remember one year in particular I bought dad a pen. Not an executive pen, mind you, but a ball point pen. It was made of plastic and proudly displayed the "Bic" label in bold blue letters.
I was too young to know we had several of them in a desk drawer, and for all dad knew, View the rest of this article

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