Sunday, December 16, 2007

Is Your Baby Ready For Solid Foods

Your little one is growing like a weed and drinking you out of house and home. You may be wondering if your little one is ready for some solid food. Here are a few tips to help you determine if your baby is ready to take the next step.
Gone are the days when anxious moms start their little ones on cereal somewhere between six and twelve weeks. To be honest, these moms did this for their own convenience, rather than the baby?s health. Starting a baby on cereal early can help them sleep through the night sooner, which, I know, sounds heavenly. But here?s why it?s not a good idea. Your baby?s tummy is just not developed enough to properly digest solids, even watered down cereal, just yet. If you force the issue, you are inviting a tummy ache, or worse, a true gastri View the rest of this article

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