Monday, December 31, 2007

Flying As A Hobby

Ask a room full of people what hobby they have and you will get as many answers as there are people. Others will confess that they don?t have a hobby. They probably do; but just don?t label it as such. By definition, a hobby is an activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.
Whether flying, stamp collecting, chat rooms, trains, softball,scrapbooking, golf, reading, painting, tap dancing, yard work, crafts, auto mechanics, music, hunting down garage sales, sewing, fishing, cooking, boating, furniture refinishing, javelin tossing or a plethora of other activities or interests the key element is balance. You must find balance between your family life and your extracurricular activities.
Too much of a good t View the rest of this article

How to get that ‘it’ factor happening

You know when you meet charismatic and compelling people. They exude a personal power that’s hard to miss. You can ‘feel’ their presence as they enter a room and both male and female heads turn. For some, this magnetism is as natural as organic food whilst for others it can be developed over time.

Sitting here today in sunny Queensland Australia, I’m reflecting on what makes one person more attractive than another. Not just by physical attraction, but what makes them captivating. I’ve met absolutely gorgeous guys and girls that after spending five minutes with them, I’m already trying to find my escape route.

An occasion I remember as clearly as if it were yesterday, happened about 25 years ago. A friend of mine invit View the rest of this article

Parts that make the whole…or not

If you were to sit back for a moment and think about who you are and what parts make up you, how many would you come up with?

If you were to remember the last time you found yourself at a stalemate regarding a decision, or a time where you had too many choices, did you consider your parts were involved?

There are many parts that make up you.

There’s the Musical You, the Friendly You, the Amazing You, the Genius You, the Calm You, the Peaceful You, and many more parts that make up who you are – much like an identity check list:

*All round good guy/gal part — check

*Uniquely amazing you part — check

*Witty and intelligent part — check

*Lovable and charmi View the rest of this article

University Success Formula - Rule 1

Wouldn’t it be great if you could be guaranteed success at university? What great things could you go on to do if you achieved good grades? I am going to reveal to you the real secrets to succeeding at university.
Can success be guaranteed? Almost certainly! You see the secret to success is really quite simple. Most people overlook the foundations on which all learning is built. In fact nobody ever tells you this secret – not your parents, not your school and not the university. What is their advice – “work hard”!
Sorry! – I am not going to tell you that success comes easy, hard work is part of the plan but hard work alone does not lead to success. I have known thousands of hard working students that ended up with poor results.
Sure-fire success boils dow View the rest of this article

University Success Formula - Rule 2

Wouldn’t it be great if you could be guaranteed success at university? What great things could you go on to do if you achieved good grades? I am going to reveal to you the real secrets to succeeding at university.
Before you read any further you need to have read my article about rule number 1. If you haven’t developed your unrestrained curiosity yet then you are not going to make the most of rule number 2.
When studying and learning it is important for your learning to make sense to you. What you read or hear needs to make sense. If something doesn’t make sense then you don’t understand it and you need to think some more, read a little more or start asking questions that might help to provide an answer to any confusion you may have.
One of the major prob View the rest of this article

Hollywood’s Underbelly Comes to the Surface in Michael Mangia’s The Invisible Wall CD

Arriving October 4, 2005

September 16, 2005--Los Angeles, CA--Michael Mangia is not your typical artist. And The Invisible Wall is not your typical CD. Set for release October 4, 2005 on Loft Box Records, the latest album from Hollywood-based singer-songwriter-pianist Mangia, while filled with compellingly beautiful melodies on the surface, actually buries some deep dark themes. In many ways, Michael Mangia is the David Lynch of pop music.

The Invisible Wall is the story of a painter, taking listeners through his canvas, which is filled with the lives of addicted porn stars and their admirers, children’s sci-fi fantasy books, an Italian mobster/father’s death, the façade-filled world of Hollywood and the effects of televisio View the rest of this article

Art Prints For Home Decorating

With the new craze for interior decorating inspired by "home makeover" television programs, more and more people are tempted to hire a professional decorator, even if they can't afford one.
Simplicity: the Art of Home Decorating
If you're thinking about breaking the bank for the sake of a beautiful room, think again. You don't have to spend as much as an oil tycoon to have a home every bit as beautiful. Here's why:
A pair of human eyes can only take in so much, no matter how much is put before them.
The secret is not to aim for beauty that comes from opulence, but for a simple beauty. And simple beauty is usually less expensive.
The best way to go for simple beauty in interior design is to make the focus of a room a single well-chosen decorative e View the rest of this article

Retro Baby Clothing

If it was cool when you were a kid, it?s cool for your kids!
Baby clothing is quite a bit different today than it was when you were an infant. From the designer styles of Baby Dior and Baby Phat to the bizarre offerings of the alternative baby clothing market, there?s now something for every parent to adorn her children with in an effort to transfer a bit of her own personality onto her offspring. One of the latest trends in baby fashions is the ?retro? look in baby wear.
Retro baby clothing indicates baby sized tees and ?Onesies? that have been printed or screened with images of pop culture past. In many cases the pictures are of icons from before even the parents? time, making it cool to be the most obscure. Interested parties are not likely to find these o View the rest of this article

Preparing For A Trip To The Magic Kingdom

Spending a day at the Magic Kingdom can be a truly magical experience or a very stressful one. What makes the difference is being prepared for the park and arriving with a plan. Families that travel to the Magic Kingdom without researching the park layout, park attractions and features of the park will find their day spent tackling long lines, hot weather and confusing park details.
The best way to approach a trip to the Magic Kingdom is to review all the available information on the park while planning your trip to Orlando. First time visitors will be overwhelmed by the number of attractions, shows and sheer size of the Magic Kingdom. If you plan to spend only one day at the park you will have to plan on making some tough choices on what you really want to see. View the rest of this article

Is The Use Of "Pay Day" Loans Wise?

Could pay day loans be the answer consumers with low bank accounts have been looking for? Is there any harm in using these services? Aren't they better than using credit cards or going hungry?
You've seen the commercials. Cute characters promise financial prosperity. Happy, professional individuals appear to regularly visit their corner pay day loan shop as proudly as cashing a check at the bank. Customers at the grocery store all recommend pay day loans as the easy solution for a lack of funds.
Some individuals reason that paying a bill with borrowed money is better than receiving bad credit marks because of not paying the bill. This is understandable. However, some financial institutions are willing to make the occasional excepti View the rest of this article

Flying With Your Dog

There are many requirements that a pet owner must meet before traveling by air with a dog. While specific regulations will vary by airline, most airlines work with the same general rules when it comes to flying dogs.
Dogs Cannot Fly Alone
Every airline that was researched for this article has a rule against flying unaccompanied dogs from one point to another. Understand that dogs are considered to be cargo to the airline. You can’t send your luggage to a city somewhere across the country without going with it (only the airline can do that – insert rim shot here) and you can’t send your dog. Unaccompanied dogs must be transported by a licensed and approved pet transportation company.
Clean Bill of Health
All airlines require that a dog that will be fly View the rest of this article

How to Win Lots of Scholarship Money

Want to Win a Lot of Scholarship Money?

Beginning in junior high/ middle school is a great

time to start. I'm serious. A winning scholarship

effort always requires a plan. And assembling a

plan of action requires time.

After one of my talks a happy couple asked me "Why

do you think starting in the 8th grade is the

best time?" Before I could answer they said "We

are telling our children in the fifth grade to

start working on winning scholarship contests and

any other contests that we find out about."

They Got Results! Before they left I discovered

their first child had already graduated from

college with 50 View the rest of this article

Sunday, December 30, 2007

MOVING TO CANADA IS A JOKE...The Economic, Military, and Social Integration of North America

By Doug Krieger

Eh? I can think of scores of reasons to move to Canada (or opt for the Mexican Riviera) . . . any place but Babylon the Great: The USA. The War in Iraq . . . or better yet: The entire Military-Industrial Complex sucking the life-blood out of Americana for starters (Witness the latest revelations on “Operation Able Danger”—see below). Or, how about the whole hedonistic culture of greed, avaricious appetites, and super sizing all things godly and ungodly—from Hollywood to Mega Churches; indeed, ours is a “city set on a hill which cannot be hid” but the closer you get to this glittering jewel, the more it resembles the “Little Shop of Horrors,” you know, that flesh-eating plant crying out: Feed me, Seymour! Conspic View the rest of this article

Detoxify Your Body In 30 Minutes With A Bath

Dealing with all of the environmental toxins today, can be quite aload on the body. A simple way to help combat these toxins is to take a detoxification bath. In spas today, the use of water therapy is very popular. Bathing in waters containg various healing ingrediants can help to release toxins, promote energy, circulation and well being.
This bath can be done in your very own bathtub and does not require special equipment. Hot water helps draw toxins out of the body to the skin?s surface. When the water cools, it pulls toxins from the skin. The ocean, mineral, hot springs and herbal baths have been used for centuries world wide, for their therapeutic effects.
This is the simple recipe that I regularly use to help combat toxins and detoxify my body:
1 c View the rest of this article

Round?em Up! Take The Family On A Modern-Day Cattle Drive Vacation

Looking for a rewarding and memorable family vacation idea? A cattle drive may be just the thing. We?re talking about real ranchers on real working cattle ranches. Ranch vacations are a good way for them to help support the ranch. But it?s not all business with them. They want to share their way of life and educate people about a quickly disappearing aspect of our American history and culture.
Don?t worry if you?ve never sat in a saddle before. Sure, some riding experience is helpful but the activities are geared for whatever skill level you have. All the ranches provide horse riding instruction for anyone who needs or wants it...
In general, the more experience you have, the more you can expect to get into the thick of things on the cattle drive. Less experi View the rest of this article

Understanding Ebay Buying Tools.

eBay offers quite a few simple tools to help make your buying easier, so you don’t lose track of what you’re doing. Most of them are on the ‘My eBay’ screen – if you’re logged in, you can go there just by clicking ‘My eBay’ on the toolbar at the top of any eBay page.
My Summary.
Your summary screen shows what you’re currently buying or selling, as well as any announcements eBay want to make that day. It is set up as a list of reminders, so it will tell you if there are items you need to pay for or if you have been outbid – it’s like your eBay ‘to do’ list.
You can make this screen show what you want it to by clicking ‘Customise Summary’ in the top-right corner. To go to any of the other buying tools pages from here, use the menu on the left of the screen, View the rest of this article

How To Improve Your Credit Score

In today?s world having good credit is an absolute must. Credit is no longer for simply buying items today and paying for them later. Now, credit is used to validate who you are as a person and your worth. Credit scores are utilized daily in life. By following some simple rules, you can keep your credit score at its highest points.
Understand that your credit score is a living and breathing animal. It is ever changing and has its up days and down days. Perhaps your credit score is 600 right now. Tomorrow it could be 595 and next week 615. The smallest detail can change your score for better or worse.
This is the big killer for most people. Utilization basically means the amount of your total credit ability you are actually using. Here i View the rest of this article

Free Credit Card Merchant Account

If you have been doing business for a few years, you probably have heard about the benefits of opening a free credit card merchant account to expand the availability of your products and services. However, there are so many banks and other financial institutions competing for your business that you may be unsure which one to partner with in this exciting venture. One attractive option is to look for a free credit card merchant account offer.
Applying for a merchant account is easy and often can be handled online in a few moments’ time. However, it may be difficult to know which bank to choose. One may offer a lower transaction fee for credit card processing. Another may vie for your business by offering a no-fee installation of credit card processing equipment. B View the rest of this article

Online College Degree - The Choice Of Today

Online college degree programs are rapidly becoming the mode of learning education of choice among teens and young adults. Empirical evidence would suggest that there are five principal reasons why this may be the case:
The Number 1 reason why teens and young adults are choosing to do online college degree programs is convenience. Here, in nearly all cases, respondents claim juggling their already busy lives with college means that an online college degree is their mode of choice when it comes to higher learning.
Aside from being extremely convenient, and in conjunction with the convenience factor, an online college degree permits teens and young adults the chance to take the online college degree at their own pace, and also more View the rest of this article

Japanese Cuisine

Tempura, sukiyaki, sashimi, sushi ? even the words used to describe the most basic of Japanese dishes are exotic and beautiful. Japanese cuisine is easily one of the healthiest in the world, with its concentration on fresh fish, seafood, rice and vegetables. The pungent sauces and delicate flavors of fresh foods complement each other beautifully, and the methods of presentation turn even simple meals into beautiful events.
The Japanese have easily a dozen different names for rice, depending on how it is prepared and what it is served with. The most common meal is a rice bowl, a bowl of white rice served with various toppings or ingredients mixed in. So popular is it that the Rice Bowl has even made its way into the world of Western convenience foods alongside ram View the rest of this article

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Stop Chasing Away Customers! Bad Copy Is Your Worst Enemy

Every day, more and more of us begin new online business ventures, hoping to make a better living or just a little extra on the side. And every day, more and more of us fail.
This may seem like a negative attitude, but unfortunately, it's the truth. The Internet is a great place to do business, but finding real success is like finding a needle in a virtual haystack. So what's the problem?
To be honest, the more I surf the Web, the more bad writing I see. I can't tell you how many sites I've visited that feature boring, disorganized, or almost incoherent copy. And let's face it: if your website can't communicate your marketing message in an exciting, informative, and professional way, you're not going to sell much.
If you think the way your website or othe View the rest of this article

Spreadin' Rhythm Around

September 30, 2005 Spreadin’ Rhythm Around A review by Stan Dyer Playing the rest of this month at the Country Dinner Playhouse, (6875 S. Clinton Street), is the Fats Waller musical review “Ain’t Misbehavin”. The show is a historical account of jazz music from the Roaring 20’s, through the Great Depression, and ending during WWII. Thomas Wright Waller, (known as “Fats” since he weighed over 300 lbs), was born in 1904, grew up in the 20’s during the Harlem Renaissance and died of pneumonia aboard a train in 1943. Although “Ain’t Misbehavin” is not a chronological review, it does include songs written in each of the three decades that Waller lived loosely linked together to keep the audience entertained. You’ll get the sense of life in a Prohibition era Gin Joint, the View the rest of this article

No Faxing Cash Advance Loans - 3 Reasons To Use A No Fax Payday Loan Company

No fax payday loan companies save you time with your application, grant instant approvals, and allow access to easy cash. Faxless applications eliminate the review by personal by relying on databases. Time delays become a thing of the past. The end result is that you get your cash quicker with less hassle.
1. Quick Application
One of the benefits to using a no fax payday loan company is that you save time during your application. You don?t have to spend time looking for bank records or paycheck stubs. You don?t have to pay to fax documents. Instead of taking over an hour to fax all the paperwork, you can complete your cash advance loan application in as little as two minutes.
A no fax application is like answering a questionnaire. You fill in your persona View the rest of this article

Choosing the Right Food to Reduce Cholesterol

We are very busy persons: we have things to do, problems to solve, people to talk to and it seems that we stopped having enough time to eat. More and more often full course meals get replaced for quicker snacks. Snacking does not necessarily represent a bad thing. Snacks are normal for a body that consumes its inner energy for its daily activities and needs to accumulate more strength. Eating wrong foods for snacks is causing you trouble like increasing cholesterol level. It is the snacks high in carbohydrates and fats that are causing you an elevated cholesterol and weight gain. This situation will eventually lead to heart disease, heart attacks and diabetes. In order to reduce cholesterol level, you must pay attention to what you eat and how you eat. Here are a few View the rest of this article

The Essential Normandy- 8 Must-See Venues

To fully understand Normandy, one has to visit more than WWII sites and museums. To experience this region and understand its history and culture, one should visit these eight venues:

1. Honfleur- This picturesque little port village has been a magnet for artists for years, including the French impressionists. The cobblestone streets of the town and the old basin full of sailboats are especially gorgeous. One can visit the many shops and galleries, and there are excellent restaurants nearly everywhere. There are several museums and unique old wooden churches to see as well.

A drive of about a half-hour to Deauville and Trouville is also worth the effort. Walk the famous boardwalk in Deauville, which has hosted the annu View the rest of this article

Friday, December 28, 2007

Home Air Purifiers: Healthy Home Solution

If you are looking to buy a new home air purifier, check our tips that will help you make an informed decision.
Air purifiers have become an essential component in many households today. Home air purifiers filter out allergy-provoking substances, such as dust mites, chemical and organic odors, pet dander and plant pollen. These devices are especially good when a person has a suppressed immune system and is more susceptible to infections. It’s a proven fact that home air purifiers help in such medical conditions as allergy, asthma, and hay fever.
A home air purifier draws in air, filters out the dust, pollen, bacteria and scent molecules, and then emits the clean scentless air into the room. The air would not be completely pure and sanitized, but it would cont View the rest of this article

Brand Your Business

You may have heard something about ?branding? in regards to marketing, but perhaps you?ve wondered what that means exactly.
Sometimes it is better to explain something in relation to something else. That?s what I am going to do ? so first I will start with ?positioning?. You also may have heard that term, but also did not really know what it meant. ?Positioning? is a marketing term that means to take a product or service and ?position? it in the mind of your prospects/clients by comparing it with or against something already familiar in their minds. Al Reis and Howard Geltzer first published a book about it in the 1970?s.
To give you an idea of positioning, take Avis. Hertz car rental already had first place in the market. By being first place, they preempted View the rest of this article

The 4 Can't Miss Keys To Copyright

Copyright is the writer's security blanket. It just makes you feel better to know your words are protected. I once knew a writer who was so scared his work would be stolen, he never sent it anywhere. Talk about counterproductive! But if you can understand these four simple copyright keys, you can rest easy and submit at will.
1. Create!
That's all you have to do to copyright something: write it. You don't have to publish it and you don't have to register it with the United States Copyright Office, although there are certain advantages to registration (see below). The moment a piece is written down, it automatically gains copyright and that copyright is owned by the author.
2. Give Notice.
That's when you put that little encircled "c" on the work. You View the rest of this article

Branding Cures Several Marketing Headaches

Are you trying to attract business with a no-name, no-differences-from-competitors company identity? Branding your company, when done well, not only helps you stand out in a field of similar choices, it also helps you avoid price-shoppers and deliver results to customers that inspire loyalty. Here?s why.
Headache #1: Competitors all seem the same
Put yourself in the mindset of a customer and go shopping for a company that provides what you sell. Do all the options seem pretty much the same? If so, create a memorable difference with branding. Stand for something that will set you apart.
Be faster, longer-lasting, more traditional, more fashionable, more child-friendly, organic, more international, etc. When you put this difference front and center in your View the rest of this article

Dirt Bikes For Kids

Can you get dirt bikes for kids?
Dirt biking has become a more popular and much more accessible pastime than it once was. The bikes, parts and accessories have become much cheaper and because of the increase in participants there are gradually more and more tracks to give it a go. It is true that dirt biking is one of the more dangerous sports you can take up and if you are already an avid dirt biker who hasn?t hit the dust yet, it?s almost guaranteed you will at some point.
That said, many of the accidents are through a lack of care or simply because the biker is inexperienced. There is no substitute for time on the track, and if you?re one of many considering the option of dirt bikes for kids then starting them young and keeping a close eye on them is a def View the rest of this article

Thursday, December 27, 2007

What You Should Know Before Buying A Wine Rack

For some people, the storage and acquisition of wine is more than just a hobby, it is an art.
Wine connoisseurs all know that the proper storage of wine is important to its final flavor. Once it is already bottled, wine will still mature and gain body and flavor. Proper care should be taken when handling wine, or else its potential for greatness will go to waste. To keep their wine well preserved, the discriminating connoisseur will choose a proper wine rack.
How to Buy a Wine Rack
The Build
Wine racks can be made of so many different materials and styles. You should consider which material and style fits your needs and preference. You could have wood, glass, alloy, or metal racks. Some people try to choose materials that match their living rooms. The View the rest of this article

That’s Not What They Meant By “Scooby-Snacks”

Why do dogs eat feces?
“I don’t eat any animal that hasn’t got sense to disregard his own feces.”
“A dog eats his feces.”
“I don’t eat dog either.”
“But would you consider a dog to be a ‘filthy animal?’”
“I don’t know if I’d call a dog ‘filthy,’ but they’re definitely dirty. But a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.”
“So, by that reasoning, if a pig had a better personality, he’d cease to be a filthy animal?”
“That’d have to be one charming pig. He’d have to be ten times as charming as that Arnold on ‘Green Acres.’”
- Pulp Fiction
For reasons that are still fairly unknown to veterinarians and scientists, some dogs seem unable to resist the tasty treat of their own or another animal’s feces. Amongst a group of dogs a View the rest of this article

Wood-Burning Stoves: Timeless Classics

Traditionally, wood-burning freestanding stoves were used in ski cabins and lodges, but today thanks to new design concepts they have become a welcome addition to any home.
Wood-burning stoves can be installed in any room of your house, but most often they are placed in living or dining rooms, as well as in patios. While traditional fireplaces generally work as a piece of décor, free-standing wood-burning stoves are generally used for more practical purposes, namely, for heating and even cooking. Thanks to new designs, your wood-burning stove will look attractive and still remain perfectly functional. Because it isn’t attached to the wall, a wood-burning stove will radiate more heat throughout a small or large room.
Most often, wood-burning stoves are usually View the rest of this article

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Google Feedback Loop For Quality Traffic

**For this to work, you need some kind of tracking for your website/web pages that tells you which search engines send people to you for what keyword searches.
Now truly, for a website owner there is nothing more fascinating than their own stats, so if you don't have good tracking software yet, do go out and get some.
There are many versions about, still many free ones available, and please, DO get started with tracking your pages and their performance.***
Now, let's get started.
The Google feedback loop works very simply and like this.
Let's say you have a website and you find out that a particular phrase turns up in those search engine referrals which sends you some people reliably, week in, week out.
It doesn't matter if it's only a few, wh View the rest of this article

Why You Should Use A Prepaid Credit Card?

Prepaid credit cards have been growing in popularity over the past few years. But despite the 'credit card' name, no credit is actually involved. Here?s how it work's.
When a standard credit card is used, you pay for the convenience of being able to purchase items without saving the money up first. The issuing bank is basically lending you money , to be repayed on a regular basis. But with a prepaid credit card, there is no line of credit or loan. Instead, the user will make deposits to their bank account, and then use the credit card to withdraw that money for purchases. Why would you use a prepaid credit card if you don't actually get any credit?
A prepaid credit card is a excellent choice if you want to be able to make purchases online without taking the r View the rest of this article

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Choosing A College Major

Once you are accepted into a college and begin taking classes, the next step is to decide on a major. Most college graduates change their major several times before they finally pick one and stick to it, so it is important not to get discouraged if you have a hard time deciding right away. However, there are some factors to consider beyond your general interests when you decide the subject on which you will focus your studies. It will take a lot of research and soul-searching for you to find a good and somewhat practical match for your interests and lifelong goals.
The first thing to consider when choosing a college major is what interests you the most. Some subjects are more financially lucrative than others, but there is no sense in studying a subject that will View the rest of this article

Monday, December 24, 2007

5 Simple Ways To Lower Your Monthly Bills ? And Save Lots Of Money!

Here you're going to learn several ways to save money every month by lowering your monthly bills.
There are lots of ways to save money, no matter how much of it you have - or don't have!
Having struggled for many years paying my own bills, I learned many ways to save money. From simple things like food, gas, and clothing, to bigger expenses, like insurance and your mortgage.
All you need to know is where to look to find the savings.
Several Ways To Save Money
The first thing you need to do is eliminate ALL of your unnecessary expenses:
? eating out on the weekends
? buying lunch at work every day
? magazine and newspaper subscriptions (especially those you can get online and at the local library)
? cable TV (you'd be View the rest of this article

The Psychology Of Weight Loss

You see the razor-thin models gracing the covers of magazines?you watch actors and actresses on the big screen who seem to never gain a pound. And you wonder: How do I differ from them? You may be surprised to learn that a number of famous people at one time had difficulty maintaining a healthy weight. But they were able to conquer their problem, thanks to a new-and-improved, healthy view of eating.
You may not realize it, but there is a certain psychology at work in successful weight loss. It is no surprise, then, that the magazine Psychology Today has explored the issue in-depth. In October of 2004, the magazine posted an article on its website detailing the experiences of Diane Berry, a nurse practitioner who studied women who had shed at least 15 pounds and h View the rest of this article

How A Home Business May Protect You From The Housing Bubble

Not everyone agrees there is a housing bubble which will have an impact on the entire economy, but how about one that has an impact on you? If your home was devalued, even temporarily, do you have the cash flow to sustain your credit or allow you to sell your home without getting into debt? In the US today, many people live in homes which have positioned them in a loosing financial situation. How can a home business improve your financial position and protect you from the potential effects of a housing bubble?
First, many people have W-2 income as their only source of income. While a job is certainly a great way to trade your time for a consistent flow of money, it also provides you with the fewest tax advantages which means you end up paying more to Uncle Sam th View the rest of this article

The Feeling Of Tandem Skydiving

Tandem skydiving is an excellent way to experience this popular extreme sport. People, though, have a number of fears about skydiving. One myth is that you can't breathe while you're free falling. That is certainly not true, otherwise jumpers wouldn't be conscious when they reached the ground. Another concern is that your chute won't open. Because student chutes are typically safer than other chutes, this isn't a realistic concern. Moreover, most chutes now are rigged with automatic opening devices, so not opening your chute on time shouldn't really be a worry. Despite these reassurances, though, people still worry about the safety of skydiving. To that end, tandem skydiving is an excellent way to experience the sport without worrying about the nagging doubts that pl View the rest of this article

Getting Links To Your Site Free and Easy

Getting Links To Your Site Free and Easy
by Andre Best
If you're the least bit serious about promoting your website(s) online then you have probably heard the recent cry that one's website needs links coming into it. Lot's of links. And without these many, many links one is the proverbial billboard in the desert waiting to be seen by those thirsty for sustenance.
Well after these several years that I've been on the internet I too heard the call and have followed the many internet bandwagons that have rolled into e-town touting the next 'latest and greatest' snakeoil software to get one traffic that they won't believe.
You know the cry... 'The traffic explosion your favorite web guru gets - and it'll only cost you $795 to attend this three-day conferen View the rest of this article

Traffic? - Certainly sir how much do you want?

What Types of traffic are there? So you have the best website money can buy you are immensely proud of your finished product but still no-one is buying. Why? Your final profit is simple to calculate it is a factor of number of visitors * conversion rate * profit per visitor. The third factor, profit per visitor is usually where people focus their resources. It is a known quantity and easy to manipulate by simply charging the right price. But the killer question is always how much traffic am I getting? And further are they the sort of visitors who will buy my wares? With that simple statement in mind let’s have a look at the main sources of traffic on the internet today. Search Engine Traffic The best because it’s free. The worst because it is easily taken away. SE tr View the rest of this article

Sunday, December 23, 2007

HDTV? You Ain't Seen NOTHING yet!

Remember the Osborn? Or was it the Osborne? Actually, I knew it existed, but didn’t care. This thing was a personal computer. Like we’d ever need one of those? Those new electric typewriters with memory were the rage. THAT was something!

Flash forward and we are upon the reverse engineered UFO goodies. Oh, wait, no, that’s not exactly right.

It’s the dawning of the age of Aquarius, age of Aquarius, Ah QUAR EEEE USSS. Um, no, that was some time ago.

It’s the age of $3 US Gas. Not a good milestone.

The age of HDTV!!! Remember when “high definition” included the terms “stems and seeds?” You do? You rascal.

No, this is about High Definition TELEVISION. Personally, I f View the rest of this article

Ten Tips To Improve Your Self-Esteem

The best way to improve your life and earn the respect of others is to improve your self-esteem. This is not a very difficult task. All that it needs is good guidance. Here are ten tips that can happen when you improve your self--esteem.
1. You should surround yourself with people who are positive and supportive, and shun friends who are cynical and negative. This will generate a huge swell of positive feelings in you. You will respect yourself more, and your self-esteem will grow.
2. You should be clear about what you want to achieve in life. Set goals, and work for their achievement. To make your task easier, break your main goal into several smaller goals which are relatively easier to achieve. This will make the task of reaching your main goals seem easie View the rest of this article

Why womens nike shoes stand out from the rest

Womens nike shoes are the most popular brand of womens athletic shoes on the market.
Whether you love their style, the unique design and cushioning/support systems or just the sheer fact that they are the Nike brand you cannot make a wrong choice when choosing a pair of womens nike shoes.
The company takes its name from the Greek Goddess of Victory, Nike [pronounced ?Nigh-Key? in the US and rhyming with ?bike? in the UK].
The first Nike products adorned the swoosh design logo in 1972 when they were delivered to athletes competing in the US Olympic track and field trials.
Nike fever took hold with the world?s best selling waffle trainer being introduced in 1974.
From then on Nike?s air technology was designed in 1979 followed by the first basketbal View the rest of this article

Why womens puma shoes are leaders in sports and fashion

Womens puma shoes incorporate innovative designs and make sports shoes fashionable.
Puma?s brand strategy is ?to be the brand that mixes the influences of sports, lifestyle and fashion?.
Rudi and Adi Dassler began their shoe company in Germany way back in the 1920?s. After Rudi spent some time in a Prisoner of War Camp the brothers had a feud and split.
Puma Aktiengesellscaft Rudolf Dassler Sport which we know as Puma was created by Rudi and Adi went over to the other side of their town to build the Adidas empire.
In 1948 Puma launched their first shoe and it wasn?t until 1968 that the leaping cat logo was launched.
The most popular style ever created was the Roma in 1970 to celebrate the Rome Olympics.
Other famous products include Speed Cat, View the rest of this article

What Is The Mediterranean Diet?

In 1993, the Harvard Medical School released the results of research that studied the diets of those countries bordering on the Mediterranean. Their findings suggested that fat and carbohydrates were NOT the main culprit in obesity and heart disease, but rather that the RIGHT fats and carbohydrates should be the base for a healthy diet. The study pointed to low rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease throughout the region as proof of their contention.
Exactly what is the Mediterranean diet and can it help you lose weight? There actually is no 'Mediterranean' diet - it's a compilation of the way that people in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea eat. Despite the differences in actual specifics, all of those studied based their diets on the same pr View the rest of this article

Proper Food Storage

Using proper food storage is very important to your health and your family?s health. It is up to you to provide proper storage solutions for every type of food that comes into your home. This is no easy task. If you plan to store large amounts of food, you need to have the room. It is also important to realize that foods go bad quite easily and quickly. Taking the time to find the right solution to your food storage needs can even help you save money.
Purchasing And Storing
It is quite important for you to purchase foods that are in good condition especially if you will have them in your home for a long period of time. This is especially true for foods that will not last for long, such as fruits and vegetables that are purchased fresh.
But, you can also p View the rest of this article

Alzheimer's Care Giving While Maintaining Your Own Health

Just for a moment I want you to imagine that you are coming out of a very deep sleep. If you have ever had surgery try to remember the way you felt as you were trying to make sense of things as you awoke. As you imagine or remember this sensation do you find yourself wondering if it is morning or night? Are you trying to remember where you are? Do you have a startle reaction and think for a moment that you are late for work or forgot to pick up your children at school? I have had that upsetting feeling if I wake up in the middle of the night or even after a nap. Now imagine that same fog every moment of your life.......
So many care givers find themselves frustrated with an Alzheimer's sufferer. They may say things like "He just doesn't seem to care if I am with View the rest of this article

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Casino Games - Craps

Craps is one of the simpler casino games to learn. It is also another of the more popular casino games often played at parties, barbecues and sometimes even on the street. The lure of this game is that you only need a pair of dice and a few friends and you’ve got all you need for a game of Craps.
However, it is the casino version of the game that gives Craps its reputation of being a fast paced, exciting game. Players often begin with this game in the casino because of its ease of play. The basic concept is this: you place a bet on what is referred to as the “passline bet.” You make your wager before you roll the dice. If you roll a 7 or 11, then you win. If you roll a 12, 3 or 2, you lose. Any other number becomes the point number, meaning that number must be ro View the rest of this article

Entrepreneur: The Last Free American

Along the highway in Dan Diego there is a billboard that quite simply asks in big black letters – Had Enough? I have no idea whether the person or company that owns the advertisement sells cruise vacations or a better brand of Vodka, but you have to admit it gets you thinking on a long trip.
The older we get the more we hate change. The thought of leaving something familiar through repetition to start over again can be intimidating. There is safety in routine. Still, no one is locked into a relationship or a job. Free will dictates that your life is yours to live. You can walk away from either situation if it isn’t working anymore, or better still drive away and watch it disappear in your rear view mirror.
Why is throwing in the towel so painfully resisted by View the rest of this article

Hair Removal: The Good News

If you're 1 of the millions of people who have hair growing where you don't want it, today's good news is, you have a wide range of effective hair removal options available to you. Reasons For Hair Removal People's reasons for wanting hair removed run the gamut from medical necessity to "just because I feel like it." Many women include hair removal as part of their normal cosmetic routine. They shave their legs and underarms, pluck their eyebrows, and have pubic hair trimmed or removed to accommodate today's fashions. Most men shave their facial hair, and men sometimes shave their body hair for cosmetic purposes, as well. To enhance their performance, their appearance, or both, many athletes -- particularly swimmers and body builders -- will undergo hair removal proc View the rest of this article

Your Metabolism And Fat Loss

If you know someone that has been trying to lose weight and get into shape, you have probably heard words such as, "I just eat one meal a day to lose weight" or "I'm afraid if I eat, I'll gain weight" but sadly, this misnomer is why so many people are in the "battle of the bulge". People all over the world still believe that eating breakfast, or even three meals a day will cause them to gain weight. In truth, as long as they are eating the right types of foods and exercising, then three normal meals or six small meals a day will actually work better with their metabolism than eating the wrong quantities or not eating often enough.
With more than half of Americans over the age of 20 now being considered "overweight", now more than ever, we need to understand how m View the rest of this article

Cash It Back With Credit Cards

What is a cash back credit card?
A cash back credit card gives annual rebates or gives back money to the card holder based on how much have been purchased with it. This type of credit card is suitable for those who rarely use cash in their transactions. The rebate is computed as a percentage of the total amount charged to the credit card in a year. Usually, rebates are between 1-2%. Some can even go as high as 3%.
Are rebates always in the form of cash?
Strictly speaking, cash rebates should be in the form of cash. But now that card companies are diversifying, rebates may now come in the form of gift certificates and discount coupons. This somehow blurs the line between and among the different types of credit cards mentioned in the first paragraph of this View the rest of this article

Friday, December 21, 2007

Software Evolution

As Internet connections become more permanent with broadband access, software will be able to evolve into a more efficient and personalized medium. Currently, most software run from our hard drives and require installations that alter our system configurations, many times slowing down our computers. Because software occupies space and processing power, there is a limited amount of software that can run in our PCs. On the business side, current software systems require many companies to produce a system of distribution (Compac Discs), customer support, and is usually not compatible with all customers, thus limiting its customer base further.
A software evolution is ocurring and it is going to benefit both customers and businesses immensly. Software will no longer View the rest of this article Credit Card: An New Breed Of Cashless Shopping

When people started using plastics as their primary source of financial disbursements when shopping, they did not yet realize its greatest potential until today.
It is only now that consumers learned how to treat credit cards with utmost care and concern as these could be one way to their success or failure.
Consequently, with the dawn of cashless shopping, many credit cards companies continue to proliferate in the market. What they are targeting right now is the world of information technology. With this, they continue to advocate the very concept of the word ?convenience.? Thus, many credit card websites had incessantly created websites to cater to the growing virtual populace.
One good example is the site. It primarily provides all the credit View the rest of this article

Sleep Deprived? There Is Life Beyond Sleeping Pills!

Every progress made by mankind in terms of technology and development is hailed as another step towards making life on earth comfortable. However, the irony is all these advances have only served to take away sleep from a huge proportion of the earth?s population.
An increasing number of men and women are spending the time between getting up from bed and crashing back into it in a whir. And those intervals between getting up and going to sleep are growing longer and longer. Everywhere there is a mad rush to avoid being left out. From reaching your office, dropping kids at school, shopping at the local grocery store, every simple task leaves us stressed out and tired.
A recent study shows that most adults compromise on their sleep time. This may be due to hect View the rest of this article

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Skydiving Tutorial - How can we learn to Skydive?

The simplest thing we can do to start our skydiving experience is to start looking for Drop Zones to attend. If you find a good Drop Zone for you, you can view promotional materials, most cases skydiving videos, in order to make a clear idea of what is all about, you can also meet the staff over at the Drop Zone. Good ways to find some good drop zones are to look in the Yellow Pages in the Skydiving Section, you can get their telephone numbers and call the stuff. You will be provided with all the information you need in order to arrange your participation in the First Jump Course. If you have a friend that loves skydiving and jumped before, a good thing to do is ask him what a good start would be for you too, what to pay more attention at, simply put, what to do. Als View the rest of this article

Top 5 Ways To Generate Low Cost Website Traffic

There is one hard and fast rule in generating income for your website: A steady flow of website traffic. If no one goes to your site, it hardly bares a chance of generating an income. Many sites have tried and failed in doing so, and these results to the sites demise. It takes money to maintain an income generating site; it also takes money to make money.
BUT, it doesn't take a whole caboodle of cash to generate website traffic for your site.
Ever wonder how does big hit sites drive traffic top their site? Most of them are spending tons of money to drive the traffic to their sites, investing in many advertising campaigns and different forms of marketing schemes and gimmickries. This is all worthwhile because, well, they are what they are now, high earning, bi View the rest of this article

Five Weekend Project Ideas To Add Value To Your Home

We all want our homes to look great and be worth more, however not all of us have the money to invest in our homes the way we would like. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to increase the value and look of your home that is not so expensive and things you can do all on your own. That is right, there are a lot of do it yourself projects that can make a huge difference in the way your home appears from the outside as well as in that will also increase the value. Consider the following five weekend project ideas to add value to your home!
Project #1 Paint
Painting inside your home can be a really great project that will freshen up the look of your home and make it look brand new, not to mention increase the property value. Consider using colors to co View the rest of this article

5 Mistakes You Might Be Making When Choosing A Password

Are you making yourself a target for fraud? More and more often I am hearing stories of people who have had their accounts hacked. They have had money stolen, lost sleep, spent hours setting up new accounts, or had their credit ruined. Don't let this happen to you.
Are you making these dangerous mistakes?
Mistake #1: Using the same password for all your accounts.
Please don't do this. Use different passwords for every email account, and definitely use unique passwords for shopping websites where you'd enter your credit card.
Mistake #2: Short passwords
The risk of someone guessing your password is increasingly difficult the more characters are in it. So, go for the gusto and make your passwords long.
Mistake #3: BradPitt, Charlie, Sarah, Princ View the rest of this article

The Webmaster's Assistant

There are many tools available to a webmaster to analyse website traffic allowing them to monitor the number of visitors, see what pages have been accessed and even the length of time each visitors spends accessing the website.
However, despite the considerable data available what is missing is anything to tell the webmaster what the visitor was thinking. Did they like or dislike the site? Was the layout easy to understand or just plain confusing? Did they find it easy to navigate and maybe the most important thing, did they find the information they wanted?
A website may be generating sales but why are some people that visit the website not buying anything? Was it because they didn't like what was being offered or they couldn't find what they wanted?
Web View the rest of this article

Printable Web Pages as an Overlooked Marketing Resource

It becomes more and more clear, that online presence has to be viewed as just one side of our total presence in the market place. One aspect to improve the situation for many websites would be to make it easy for visitors to print web pages. This should be possible with longer texts as well as with product pages and pages displaying just overviews. The potential of prints from your website as a marketing tool should be activated. Some ideas for print pages: - Full contact information of all kinds on one page, including a map showing how to find you. - Catalogue like pages. - Reviews. - Schedules for deadlines, publishing dates or the like. - Annotated lists of useful resources. - Product descriptions. - Teasers of book chapters etc. - Fax and mail order forms. - Guar View the rest of this article

Breast Augmentation: Considerations

Many women would like to take advantage of breast augmentation in one way or another. Many do not like the shape or size of their breast. Others are looking to have them match better. Augmentation can work to help you in any of these situations. You will find that you can make some serious improvements in your body?s look with these changes. But, what does it all mean to you? Should you be worried that something can go wrong, and how do you find someone to do the work?
Considerations in breast augmentation:
? First, get the consultation. Call your family doctor first and ask for a recommendation or you can look for those that are on your insurance plan. If you need additional help, interview and talk to several surgeons until you find one that fits your needs View the rest of this article

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

So You Want To Be A Copywriter?

Wannabe copywriters often check out my site for information relating to my services and fees. And quite right too! I still give my competitor's websites a 'gander' every now and then, in case they're doing something that I should be doing.
I receive many emails from students working towards their marketing or other media degrees, asking for a few tips about securing work in the 'Copywriting Industry' I didn't realise we had an industry! If we have, it's surely a cottage industry because most copywriters are freelancers who work on their own and usually from home.
"Well what about advertising and marketing agencies?", They enquire. "Well what about them?", I ask. And so it goes on and on until they realise that a copywriter who works for a structured and insti View the rest of this article

Small Business Web Shopping Cart Software: 7 Reasons Hosted Is Better

Why should you pay for a remotely hosted shopping cart for your small business website, rather than just install a free OpenSource shopping cart on your site?
There are a lot of reasons:
1) Focus. Your business is selling stuff, not installing and managing a complicated script. You'll have enough issues running a business that you won't be able to outsource to someone else the way you can with a shopping cart script.
2) Price. Paid hosted shopping cart software's price is inconsequential: $10-$100/month. If that's a significant expense for your business, you need to look into improving your profit margin.
3) Support. While support for "paid" business software is included in the cheap price, support for "free" business software is pretty expensive. Ope View the rest of this article

Low Cost Home Landscaping Tips

Installing and maintaining landscaping around your home can be a costly undertaking. Even the perfect landscape can end up a source of vexation instead of pleasure -- if it costs you more than you can afford to install and keep up. With these few helpful tips, you can save money on your landscaping without sacrificing quality or beauty. Plan Before You Spend Plan before you make any purchases. Without a plan, you may buy things you don't really need, and that can waste money. Begin with a rough sketch of your landscape design. Next find out exactly what you need to make it possible. If you need advice, there are a number of websites where you can get ideas for creating your project. Specialty stores and some home improvement warehouses have experts on hand who can gi View the rest of this article

Going With "The Flow"

Flow state, that mysterious mental zone where time and the outside world seem to disappear, is one of the keys to peak performance. Frankly, your ability to harness the limits of your intelligence, creativity, education, or talents will be largely determined by your capacity to remain in flow while under stress.
Those who cannot suffer “stage fright,” “writer’s block” “flop sweat” and numerous other labels for the same phenomenon—inability to access the deepest wells of confidence and performance in the actual arena.
The key to unlocking this particular inner vault is to look at the phenomenon of flow itself, separate from any specific usage or application.
We all experience the “flow” phenomenon. The last moments before we fall asleep or the first after View the rest of this article

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What Matters In Attracting People To Your Home Business

I will assume most people reading this article have a home business and are engaged in some sort of product based opportunity. This may apply to you if you are not, but let’s
assume you are selling or offering an opportunity that involves a product. The primary way your home business will grow is by attracting more people to your products or opportunity.
There are several steps to business growth in between the steps of advertising and adding a customer. A savvy home business person is always on the lookout for potential
customers. Many are also advertising in some fashion. Once you have someone who is showing interest in your opportunity or product, if you would like to see that person become
a home business builder themselves, then they need to see View the rest of this article

To Circumcise Or Not To Circumcise

If you?re about to have a baby, no doubt the subject of circumcision for a boy baby has entered your mind. Circumcision is a personal choice ? but, of course, it?s one that you?re making for another person- so you tend to feel a fair amount of pressure to make a good decision. Here are some things to think about that might make your choice easier.
In the US, the majority of boys are circumcised, though the numbers are declining somewhat. In other parts of the world, most non-Jewish boys are not circumcised. The difference seems to be almost entirely cultural. There is really no right or wrong answer here, but I think one good guideline is ?like father, like son?. The father is most likely the person who will teach the boy how to handle his personal hygiene in thi View the rest of this article

How to Feed the Spiders and Grab the Top Spots

Over the years I have created 24 fully operational websites and as an experiment this evening (30 November 2005) I did a progress check on the very first site I ever launched: 5 years on and here is how this site is ranking today on the top six major search engines Google No.1
Yahoo! No.2
MSN No.1
AOL No.1
AltaVista No.2
AllTheWeb No.2 Using the keyword phrase ‘writing for profit’ check out for yourself the veracity of these rankings. Do it now; prove the power of feeding the spiders and grabbing the top spots. How do I manage to do that? • How do I manage to sustain top rankings for a 5 year-old website when almost every other site fails to achieve even ONE Top 30 ranking after years of trying? • How do I not only achieve Ranki View the rest of this article

Weight Problems In Dogs: Is Your Dog Fat?

People may not be aware of this, but obesity is one of the greatest problems dogs are dealing with these days. Obesity, like humans, is also caused by excessive eating and unhealthy binges. Mostly, this situation is triggered by some environmental factors that when not controlled may just lead to more problems.
Like humans, dogs develop certain diseases too when they are overweight. These diseases will lead to more serious complications including death. So for people who wish to know the repercussions of obesity in dogs, here are some of the known consequences:
1. Arthritis
Obesity in dogs tends to put extra weight on their bones. In turn, the joints and other parts of the dog’s bones develop arthritis.
Excess weight in dogs may also initiate the deve View the rest of this article

How To Find Good Counseling

Counseling is a profession that aims to help people. It is one that the practitioner enters into knowing that they get the most out of making the lives of those they work with better. And in order to find the type of counseling that works best for you, it is critical that you understand this - the counseling professional you choose is there to serve you, first and foremost.
So as you evaluate counseling, specifically mental health counseling like marriage counseling, couples counseling , grief counseling or, be sure you know what you want.
It's best to ask yourself questions like
Why am I considering counseling?
What do I hope to get out of it?
What am I willing to put into counseling in order to see a direct benefit?
What is the most pressing View the rest of this article

How To Lower Your Back Pain

Chronic back pain afflicts millions of people worldwide. And for those who suffer consistently from sore, stiff, even traumatized back muscles and spinal joints, it can be debilitating. There are many causes to back pain including poor posture, week abdominal muscles, misaligned spinal column, lack of chair support when seated, unsupportive bed or pillow, and certainly stress and anxiety which gets localized in the body in the back. Regardless of what is causing your back to be consistently sore, you're looking for relief, at least somthing that will permit you to get through another day.
Resources do exist, help is available. Exercise consistently ranks as the top preventive remedy for lowering back pain. For some people it may be weight bearing exercises such a View the rest of this article

Sounding More Art Savvy

Want to sound like someone who is art savvy? Make sure you don't use the following art "faux pas."
• Using the word "seriagraph" - Actually, there is no such thing as a seriagraph. What you are attempting to reference is a form of printmaking known as a serigraph, screenprint or using past terminology, a silkscreen print.
• Using the word "sketches" - Those who are knowledgeable about art use the term "drawings" instead of sketches.
• Using the word "picture - The word picture suggests an item that is more decorative in nature, while the word "painting" denotes a valuable work of art. The word decorative tends to be used as a put down when commenting on the desirability of a work of art, somewhat akin to the word "interesting".
• Using the words "it's View the rest of this article

Standardize Your Process To Improve The Bottom Line

Standardize your processes! You can save time, money and prevent errors. Things you do over and over should be done the same way every time, if indeed you do the task the best way. They say variety is the spice of life, but for healthcare processes it certainly isn’t most of the time. Consider this, if you would. Would you buy your favorite brand of soda if sometimes your 12 ounce can were 3/4 of the way full and sometimes almost overflowing. Certainly not. You expect there to consistently be nearly 12 ounces every time. How would a patient behave if the results of a healthcare visit varied wildly? The patient would probably find a new provider. The best healthcare providers deliver a consistently good service; it helps attract new patients and keeps the old ones com View the rest of this article

Starting An Art Collection

Identify what kind of art you like. The following techniques can help you determine what that is:
1. Visit 3 to 6 museums displaying different types of art. Finish your visit by purchasing postcards in the gift shop that reflect artworks that are attractive to you. Toss these cards in a bowl, and don't look at them again until you have visited all the museums on your list. Once you have done so, review all the cards and look for similarities among them in terms of mediums chosen, time period of the artists, or the style of the artworks.
2. Visit your local library and find an art history book that spans at least four centuries of art from many different countries. Use sticky notes to mark your favorite pieces. Again, look for common elements to determine what View the rest of this article

Annual Travel Insurance - Can you save money?

Most of us dream of being able to swap the 9 to 5 for a sunny beach somewhere, and usually we get the chance when the summer comes.

But, of course, the big 2 weeks away is an expensive exercise; flights, food,
hotels, car hire, travel insurance, time off work.  It soon adds up and so
many of us can't really afford to do it more than once in a year (and if you've
got kids - maybe not even that many!).  Personally, my mind is always
dreaming of the next destination - and it used to really get me down, wishing I
was soaking up the rays as the Caribbean Sea laps gently at the Barbados sand at
my toes. 

Then I discovered the "mini-break", the weekend away - and I can tell you I'm
just annoyed t View the rest of this article

Monday, December 17, 2007

What Does Your Brokerage Do For You?

A brokerage should work for you, the way that you want your money managed. In fact, you will need to communicate these needs and desires with the firm long before a commitment is made to you by the firm. But, what does your brokerage provide for you? Why do you use one company over the other? And, most importantly, how do you choose which are the best options for your specific needs? When it comes to a brokerage, there are several things that they must provide for you to work with them.
The first most important thing for the brokerage firm to offer you is effective communication. You will most likely need a company that can understand your needs and will follow through on that. Probably the biggest problem that people have is the fact that they do not feel as if View the rest of this article


No, this is not the new math. It is the formula for getting your web site recognized by the search engine spider.
The formula is Fresh Content + Really Simple Syndication = Search Engine Optimization.. This is an easy way to get the search engine spiders to come and visit your site on a regular basis, see that ?updates? have been made, and get you ranked higher in the directories.
It isn?t that difficult to write a 300 ? 500 word article about your favorite subject matter. What works for me is to set aside a couple of hours a week and knock out 5 ? 7 articles at one time to use during the upcoming week. The articles are all different but are similar, so writing them in one sitting is a bit easier. Writing your own content is still the best method but article View the rest of this article

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain - 5 Easy Tips

If you're worried about gaining weight over the holidays you're not alone.
The average North American gains 7 to 12 pounds over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Follow these simple holiday diet tips and tricks and you'll avoid the holiday weight gain that afflicts so many other people:

#1 Drink Water - and Lots of It.
Boring I know - but the reason this tip stays around year after year is because it works. Adequate water intake keeps your metabolism humming along at a maximum rate and staves off hunger cravings as well.
In fact many people mistake thirst for hunger and end up eating to quench their thirst. This results in more calories than you body needs and - you guessed it - excess pounds. View the rest of this article

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Is A Vegetarian Diet Safe For My Child?

If you are vegetarian parent, you have probably considered putting your child on a vegetarian diet. Not only would it save time and make meal-planning easier, but for dietary and ethical reasons, you believe it is a better choice for your child.
Conversely, you might not be a vegetarian yourself, but have a child who is going through a vegetarian "phase," where she rejects meat, but doesn?t consume enough healthy foods to compensate for the nutritional gap.
Whatever the case is, you may have wondered whether or not a vegetarian diet is sustainable, healthy choice for your child. You may have heard that putting your child on a vegetarian diet could potentially stunt her growth.
These concerns probably prevented you from putting your child on a vegetarian d View the rest of this article

Demystifying The Tire Sidewall Code

So, you need new tires for your car or truck, but how do you know what to buy? What do all those alphanumeric codes printed on the tire sidewalls mean, anyway?
If you're in the market for new tires, you may simply want to replace your worn tires with exactly the same tire it came with. But you MAY want to consider an upgrade. If you know how to read the tire sidewalls, chock full of valuable information, you've got an advantage over most people and are prepared to make an informed decision. So let's get underway!
Tire Size Markings (example: P215/65R15 89H)
Broken down:
P = Passenger
Other designations are
LT = Light Truck
T = Temporary (spare tire)
215 is the width (in millimeters) of the tire from sidewall to sidewall. A wider tire h View the rest of this article

The Secret Of Your Children?s Education!

Using Children?s Literature to Entertain and Educate Your Kids
What are Children?s Books?
Not only are children?s books a great way to keep kids occupied, but they help them to learn as well. Good children?s books are proven to appeal to kids and keep them engaged and interested. In general, children?s books are books that were written specifically for children. However, there are several books that were originally written for adults and are today considered children?s books. Mark Twain?s Huckleberry Finn is one notable example.
Educational Value of Children?s Books
Children?s books are fantastic educational tools for kids. Studies have shown that children who read frequently have better writing and reading skills than those who do not, and kids who h View the rest of this article

Official Poker Rules: Learn The Basics Of The Game

Poker is a very simple game that can have very high stakes at the end of the hand. There are many different types of poker that one can play. Five card stud, No limit Texas Hold ‘em and Omaha High Low are just a few of the variations that are available to a poker player. If you’re someone who doesn’t know the rules, here are some of the most commonly played variations and their rules.
In five-card stud, each player is given one card face up and one face down. The player with the lowest upcard (the card with the face up) makes a bet of either a full bet or half of the minimum bet(which is set by the dealer) to start the game. In a clockwise order, players may call on the opening bet, fold, which indicates they no longer play that hand or they can raise the pot. Ca View the rest of this article

Hairstyle Fads: How Much Attention Should You Pay To Them?

Doesn?t it always seem that once a fad has caught the eye of the fashion-conscious, you see the same hairstyle everywhere on everyone of every walk of life? I mean, think about the ?bowl? cut of the 90s. Everyone had that cut including men, women and children. I kid you not when I say that while working at the salon I did 20 of these haircuts in one day. I thought I was going to be sick. And that fad hung around for years until everyone was sick.
Granted, it is very tempting to go out and get the latest hairstyle fad. In some cases, doing so can make you look like you are on the cutting edge of fashion. In other cases, getting a fad cut can make you look like a copycat with no fashion sense of your own. So, how do you know if it is okay to follow a particular fad View the rest of this article

Is Your Baby Ready For Solid Foods

Your little one is growing like a weed and drinking you out of house and home. You may be wondering if your little one is ready for some solid food. Here are a few tips to help you determine if your baby is ready to take the next step.
Gone are the days when anxious moms start their little ones on cereal somewhere between six and twelve weeks. To be honest, these moms did this for their own convenience, rather than the baby?s health. Starting a baby on cereal early can help them sleep through the night sooner, which, I know, sounds heavenly. But here?s why it?s not a good idea. Your baby?s tummy is just not developed enough to properly digest solids, even watered down cereal, just yet. If you force the issue, you are inviting a tummy ache, or worse, a true gastri View the rest of this article

The History Of Caribbean Stud Poker

Caribbean Stud Poker is a variant of poker, a card game with a long and mysterious history. The word ‘poker’ has a tangled history all of its own; it comes from the French word ‘poque’, which itself is a variant on the German word ‘pochen’, which simply means “to knock”.
Nobody really knows how or where poker began; some say that its origins lie in a 16th century Persian card game, whilst others believe that it originated in Europe at the turn of the 19th century. One thing we can be sure of is that poker was brought to North America by French explorers, and that it was originally played in Louisiana. Many accounts name New Orleans of 1830 as the place and time where modern-day poker was first played. After being initially established, the game quickly spread fro View the rest of this article

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Commands That Every Dog Owner Should Know That Will Lead To An Obedient Dog

The Commands That Every Dog Owner Should Know And How This Will Lead To A Happy, Clean And Obedient Dog That Will Not Cause Problems There are of course many reasons for owners to want a calm, obedient and faithful dog. For one thing, obedient and trained dogs are happier dogs, less likely to get into tussles with people or with other dogs. Another reason is that many communities require that the dogs living in their neighborhoods be well trained. This is especially true for many breeds thought to have aggression and behavior problems – dog breeds like pit bulls and rottweilers for instance. And of course, training your dog well will also make he or she a much better family companion, especially in households where there are young children. Many studies have shown th View the rest of this article

Whitetail Deer Online Web Cameras: Bringing Ozark Wildlife to Your Desktop

Advances in technology regarding surveillance equipment and Web-based information sharing has given Ozark Dream Hunting, a Web based wildlife surveillance company near Branson, MO, the ability to bring live images of Whitetail Deer, Elk, and other forms of wildlife directly to your desktop. Wildlife enthusiasts now have the opportunity to view Ozark Whitetail Deer and other animals from the confines of their homes.
High quality miniature streaming Web Cams are used to capture Deer, Elk, Turkey, and other animals in their natural environment in an unobtrusive manner. This use of technology enables wildlife viewers to catch a glimpse into the lives of animals as they interact with each other on Hunting reserves and Game Ranches found in the Ozarks.
This unique View the rest of this article

Debt Help - Debt Consolidation Loans Versus Credit Counseling

Debt consolidation loans are a do-it-yourself process, whereas credit counseling helps you to make financial decisions. If you already have a financial plan, then you probably don?t need the services of a credit counselor. However, if you have questions or need help with a budget, a credit counselor can offer valuable help.
What Debt Consolidation Loans Can Do For You
Debt consolidation loans can reduce the interest rate you are paying on unsecured debt, like credit cards, and lower your monthly payments. You can choose to use an equity loan with its tax deductible interest or a personal loan. Many lenders offer competitive rates, which you can find by researching companies online.
A loan gives you more control over interest rates and payment schedules th View the rest of this article

Fast Payday Advance ? Know Your Rights

A payday loan can offer a quick fix to a short term financial emergency. However, you want to be sure that you don?t get taken in by a shady lender. So know your legal rights before you sign any paperwork.
Your Rights
Payday loan lenders must abide by both federal and state laws. State laws will dictate amounts you can borrow and your repayment period. For example, Montana limits cash advances to $300, while Illinois sets caps at $1000. Regardless of where you live, you can expect some basic protection under the law.
Know The Costs Involved
Before you sign for a cash advance, you have the right to know the cost involved. This includes both the APR and loan finance fees. Legitimate lenders will post this information on their website or send it when you View the rest of this article

Friday, December 14, 2007

A Good Credit Report ? The Key To Cheap Finance

Is your credit report important? There are a lot of people who would not consider their credit rating as something too important to them in their life. There are others who, while recognising its importance, would not be overly concerned about the issue or understand the reasons for its importance. Well, to those people, they should at least be aware of some of the uses that are made of credit reports in the world in which we live.
While it may seem obvious to state it, credit reports are predominantly concerned with assessing the risk involved in lending money to you. Lenders are obsessed with one thing, getting repaid, and their entire industry revolves around making this occur. Therefore, they have developed the credit score that will assess your likely hood o View the rest of this article

Econoline Hood, Windshield, Well Protected with Air Deflectors from Ford Parts Discount

Annoyed by the nicks and scratches that you see on the hood of your Ford Econoline van? Or do you simply hate it when minor road debris hit your van’s windshield while you are driving? Well, you can’t prevent all the bugs, road debris and wind from hitting the hood and the windshield of your Ford Econoline van, but there is a way to fend off most of them. That is by using the Ford Econoline Air Deflector, an auto accessory that has long been available at Ford Parts Discount.

An air deflector is a panel that is positioned at an angle on the front of an automobile’s hood, although there are also air deflectors that are mounted on the roof of vehicles, especially if the vehicle is a truck. The main function of an air deflector in a vehicle is to redirect ai View the rest of this article

How To Boost Your Affiliate Sales & Traffic In 3 Quick Steps

Right now I'm about to reveal you 3 POWERFUL Ways to skyrocket your Affiliate *Sales* in 7 days or less. Just follow the 3 Steps below and you could easily become a TOP affiliate promoter. 1. Create separate Web Pages to pre-sell Add a brief review of each affiliate product you promote on a separate page on your Web Site. Include the benefits and the features of the affiliate product; a picture of the product is a GREAT way to BOOST *Sales*. Each Web Page will have an eye-catching headline to attract visitors and entice them to read your review (500-600 words is enough) and click on your affiliate link. Each affiliate product review will have a separate Web Page on your Web Site. Your review should start with an introduction where you educate your visitor and share G View the rest of this article

Poker Chip Tricks: Why Learn How To Do Them?

Poker slowly but surely becomes a favorite entertainment game, especially in America. Hold'em tournaments are daily broadcasted over various TV channels. We can all see the professional players cards but we can also see the way they play with chips. Of course there are some that do not do this at all but others used as if they have been sitting at the playing table for a lifetime. They scramble them, they hold them between they fingers, and they toss them in the air and then catch them back. And they do it naturally, or at least they don?t look as they are paying much attention at what they are doing.
There can be found various reasons for which some players perform these chip tricks. Let?s go over some of them:
1. Their attitude at the playing table.
Som View the rest of this article

Thursday, December 13, 2007

When A Family Member Stuggles With Fear And Anxiety

Do you have a family member who struggles with fear and anxiety? It can be difficult to sit by and watch the person you love struggle while you are unable to do anything. Enclosed is a list of things that you can do to help the person overcome his or her own battle with anxiety and fear.
The first thing you need to do is to get the person to seek the services of a professional and/or counselor who can lead them in the right direction and give them the help they need. Even if they disagree, getting help is the first step in getting better.
Be understanding and patient with the person struggling with their fears. Dealing with depression and anxiety can be difficult for the person. Do not add more problems than what is already there.
Learn as much as you can View the rest of this article

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How Do I Make My Dozen Roses Look Right?

When I first started to design flowers I often heard how designers had difficulty making a dozen roses look nice. That it was hard to keep the roses in place. But it is really very easy to do if you know a few simple basics.
1) First prepare the rose by taking off the bottom half of the leaves and popping off the thorns. Most people prefer the thorns off but as much as possible I leave the thorns on. This is because taking them off can leave open wounds and may allow microbial bacteria to enter and shorten the life of the flower.
2) Cut the rose stem slantwise under water (so they don’t get an air pocket that prevents them from drinking) and place in small bucket or vase that has warm water and flower food.
3) Make sure you have the right size vase. Too s View the rest of this article

Sales Training: Beginning Now

Sales training is something that you need. Opening the classified ads for jobs will tell you just how many positions there are in the sales world. Experienced sales individuals can make quite a bit of money. But, how can you get the training that you need to be in those ranks? Nothing is more frustrating than having an opportunity to get experience but being told that you need experience to get it. To help this, you can invest in getting sales training.
The Benefits
Sales training is beneficial. Depending on your sales field, you can find that having the knowledge you need behind the sale is what is going to drive you to the sales goals you have. Sales training truly does prepare you for every possible reaction a customer may have. It allows you to be prepare View the rest of this article

Successful Prevention of Stretch Marks

Prevention of stretch marks is important to teenagers in the akward years of puberty, body builders who are packing on muscle at a quick rate and women who are expecting babies. In short, anyone who is growing quickly is apt to incur stretch marks. The swelling of the belly during pregnancy just happens to be the most extreme example of the adult human body growing quickly.
The use of anti stretch mark creams is the best method for the prevention of stretch marks. Successful prevention depends on the intensity of the cream. Mere moisturizers, like cocoa butter, offer minimum protection against stretch marks, also known as striae. Creams that contain trace amounts of collagen and elastin or that are packed with them do no more than temporarily attract moisture to View the rest of this article

Benefits of VoIP

There are many benefits and advantages to switching from PSTN- Public Switched Telephone Network. VoIP technology is growing and changing every day. Major corporations are transferring their business needs over to VoIP and households worldwide are making the switch. VoIP is produced by transferring voice into digital data over the Internet. Because the data is smaller compared to a standard electric unit, VoIP users save on valuable bandwidth as well. If you have a high-speed connection in your home, then you can utilize VoIP. You may need to purchase some equipment, such as a VoIP phone adapter. The phone adapter will allow you to use all of your telephones with the VoIP technology. You may also need to purchase a router. Most of your VoIP service providers will sup View the rest of this article

Planning For Retirement

When looking towards retirement many people just think about the joy of not having to work anymore. Unfortunately, even though a person retires they still have bills to pay. The need for careful planning is perhaps the most overlooked part of retirement. Having a set plan in place before retirement will help to ensure the golden years are golden.
The following list gives some great points on how to plan for retirement.
1. Save money. Before retirement setting up a savings account or 401K will get a person prepared for life without a steady paycheck. A 401K is usually sponsored through an employer where the employer matches contributions the employee makes. Money put into a 401K also goes untaxed which can mean immediate savings. IRA?s are also another way to View the rest of this article

Copywriting Basics - Answer The Questions You'd Want Answered

Anyone can write effective Internet copy. You just have to know a few copywriting basics known to journalists and writers as the 5 W's. Throw one "H" in there and all your copywriting basics are covered.
Who? Tell the reader who your product will help. This should be your target market.
What? Tell your reader what your product or service will do to improve their lives. In other words, tell them the benifits they will receive, what's in it for them.
When? When is the offer good for? If there is a special offer, when does it expire? When will the product or service help them, immediately or over time?
Where? Where can you order the product or service? Where will it work?
Why? Tell your reader why he or she needs your product or service. Why will it View the rest of this article

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Just What Is Colic ? And Does My Baby Have It

There are few things more nerve wracking than a crying baby, particularly when nothing you do seems to console him. But, how do you know when your baby?s symptoms have are just crying and when he has colic? And, just what is colic, anyway?
No one knows exactly what causes colic, though many old wives tales abound. Lots of older women will tell you that it is caused by parental inexperience, but colic does not occur more often in first children than in subsequent children, so they One thing that seems clear is that most babies who are experiencing colic have a stomach ache. Many are gassy, though a baby won?t cry so inconsolably every time he has gas, so it is clearly gas plus something, though just what is not clear.
Though we don?t know what colic really is, View the rest of this article

Buying A Car? Tips About Financing

Before purchasing a dream car, try to assess if the budget can really afford it. Questions like, how will it be paid, who will be helping to pay for it, what is the price limit of the car to be bought, and how long will it take to pay off the car? These should be considered even while planning to buy the car. The trend nowadays is that people buy the cars by cashing out the down payment, and the balance will be paid by installment. Others are just lucky enough to have saved the right amount of money that they are able to cash out the total cost of the car, which, by the way, seldom happens now. Never set aside the possibility of paying thousands of dollars when buying from a dealer or a specific car company, where in the end, charges you more for the interest which t View the rest of this article

How to kick start your business with SEO & SEM

Who is this for?
If you are a webmaster who is about to start his/her first online business or web site, you probably know that it is not that easy to get high traffic to your site. In fact, nowadays it takes a lot more work to be successful online, than it had been some years ago. The main factor that influences your success is that most business or web site owner do not know anything (useful) about search engine optimization (SEO) and/or search engine marketing (SEM). These terms are wide-spread, however, a lot of people just know of it as a way to get ranked high in the search engines.
There are tons of webmasters and web site owners who would like to know more about SEO strategies in order to kick start their business. If you have enough funds to hire a SEO View the rest of this article

Monday, December 10, 2007

Taking Your Microsoft Skills To The MCSE Level

Microsoft certified systems engineer (MCSE) is the designing and implementation of the infrastructure based for business solutions. They schedule their instructors led classroom MCSE training at your complete control. They invite the best Microsoft and CISCO certified trainers in the industry to help us for the development of the ultimate training and certification program. Te MCSE training program includes everything one needs to fully prepare for and pass the MCSE exams.
There are some coach and career advisors are also available in the MCSE training camp for providing a toll free advisor hotline. During the MCSE training, and certification program, you will be provided some materials and resources that access to a MCSE training coordinators who will advise the View the rest of this article

Finding A Company To Consolidate Debt

A debt management company can consolidate your debt and lower your interest rates by negotiating with your creditors. Debt management companies can also help you pay off your loans sooner. But before you sign up with a company, make sure your research their services, fees, and practices.
Research Companies
It is important to research debt management companies to make sure you aren?t scammed out of thousands in fees. Legitimate companies offer a valuable service, charge reasonable fees, and are willing to disclose their terms.
Many debt management companies operate online and provide information through their website and over the phone. In a few hours, you can research dozens of companies to find the best one for you.
Ask About Services
The first q View the rest of this article

Three Steps to Starting Your New Business With a Clean Credit Score

For many people, starting their own business is a personal dream. Before fulfilling your personal dream, it's necessary to get your personal finances in order. At this early stage you'll be using your own personal finances to start your business and if you want to succeed you must approach your personal finances with a professional eye.
Avoid funding start-up expenses via credit and running up huge credit card debt. Instead you should apply for a business loan, which has the benefit of being a one-time loan with typically lower interest rates than a credit card. However, in order to get good terms on your loan, you will have to have your credit card debt in order first.
Without an established business credit history, lenders will have to look to your personal c View the rest of this article