Friday, August 31, 2007

Multi Level Marketing?..... Does it work?

For some people, this is the way to go. I have met a few people over the years that swear by it. I know a few people who make over $100k a year working their multi level marketing program. The unfortunate part about it is that they were the only one making money. No one on their team was duplicating the efforts they were doing. Weather they were selling vitamins, travel, a gas saver product, lotions, potions, pills, candles or juice beverage products, I have tried it all and it was a difficult task for me. Once I ran out of my friends and family to bug about my new business, once I had two or three home parties, I ran out of leads, so I started buying leads in hopes to try to convert some people into my business. That is so much harder than it sounds. Sure I made sal View the rest of this article

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