Saturday, August 11, 2007

Forgiveness—Going on After the Breakup

"He who is devoid of the power to forgive, is devoid of the power to love." ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

As a relationship coach, I often work with people who ask how they can begin to move forward after a breakup. The answer is found in the heart and in forgiveness.
Forgiving your previous partner (all partners) is absolutely key to healing your heart and being able to attract a healthy partner in the future. People who do not forgive and heal end up unwittingly making similar choices in their next relationship, experiencing deja-vu, and asking, “How did this happen to me again?”
More than anything else, the inability to forgive destroys the one who holds the grudge, keeping the person stuck in a pattern of negativity and resentment. Remember that when View the rest of this article

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