Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Excuses Vs Success

“Trying and Hoping are excuses for not Doing…”
- Dr. Robert Anthony
“Trying and Hoping are excuses for not Doing…”
- Dr. Robert Anthony

Many times I hear people everywhere I go using this words “Trying and Hoping.”

There’s more behind those words that we can possibly imagine.

How many times have you said, or have you heard other people say things like; “I’m going to try harder next time…” or “I really hope I passed this test…” “I’ll try to call you…” just to find out that you had more important things to do than to followed up with that call. “I’m going to try to reach my goals this year.”

But you know what I see? Really, you know what is it with those words?

That b View the rest of this article

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