Sunday, January 6, 2008

Most Parents Are Not Idiots Or Negligent — So Why Do We Need Compulsory-Attendance Laws?

Why do we need compulsory-attendance laws? Why compel parents to send their children to public schools? Wouldn’t parents naturally educate their children without compulsion? Human nature and history prove this to be the case. All over the world, parents push to educate their children, with or without public schools.
In Japan, school is compulsory only up to the equivalent of junior high school (ninth-grade level). High schools in Japan, like colleges in America, are privately owned and charge tuition. Middle-school students compete fiercely for a place in high schools even though their parents must pay to get them in. Yet most Japanese parents push their kids to apply for high school and scrape up the money for tuition, without the Japanese government’s pressurin View the rest of this article

Car Insurance Monitoring for Discounted Rates a Privacy Monster?

Car Insurance Monitoring for Discounted Insurance Rates -
Privacy Devouring Monster Eating Us One Bite at a Time
Copyright © August 6, 2005 by Mike Banks Valentine <==USA Today Column
For a price, would you let car insurer along for the ride? -
asks a USA Today technology story by Kevin Maney. It seems
that Progressive Insurance and IBM have worked out a scheme to
pay drivers to be safer - by monitoring their every move in
their own cars, and how fast they make that move, and where
they park, and what time they drive.
The program is being tested in Minnesota and in the U.K. in a
privacy busting program that rewards drivers for keeping under
the maximum speed limits and driving during View the rest of this article

17 Mistakes Professionals Make with Their Blogs

17 Mistakes Professionals Make with Their Blogs

© Denise Wakeman & Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D.

The Blog Squad

Are you getting results from your business blog? Is it

getting harder for you to spend time on your blog because

you're just not seeing how it is going to pay off? If so,

you're not alone. Hundreds of blogs are started each day and

many of them are abandoned after several months because it

takes time and energy to keep a good business blog going.

Make no mistake, blogs are a great tool for building

community, interacting with potential clients, and marketing

your services. And, it's not eno View the rest of this article

What About Cigarette Filters?

Cigarette smokers are at danger of more than nicotine when they smoke. Tobacco smoke contains many different chemicals including benzene, formaldehyde, styrene, and carbon monoxide, all toxic chemicals with known effects. Nicotine is broken down by the body to an even more addictive and long lasting substance – cotinine.
But what about the filters? The filters are usually made from cellulose acetate, and studies have shown that smokers commonly ingest and/or inhale some of these fibres. This happens because small fragments of cellulose acetate become separated from the filter at the end face. The cut surface of the filter of nearly all cigarettes has these fragments. This means that if you smoke a filter cigarette you are likely to have small fragments of plastic View the rest of this article

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Southern Tanzania Safari

Tanzania is one of Africa's top wildlife safari destinations. Wildlife lovers have a choice of two very different safari routes- referred to as the northern and southern circuits. The contrast is most obvious in the topography, habitat and climate. On the northern Tanzania safari circuit, which I have talked about in another article, you visit such renowned wildlife havens as Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire and Lake Manyara. The southern safari route is anchored on Dar es Salaam, and covers Ruaha, Mikumi, Udzungwa Mountains National Parks and the Selous Game Reserve.

The southern circuit is more discreet, less accessible and has fewer visitors. Adventure l View the rest of this article

Tight Lines, Writers!

“Tight lines” is a good luck wish among fishermen. When you’ve hooked a fish, your line tightens up.
I was musing on this expression as my husband critiqued my lousy casting skills on our latest fishing expedition. Anthony’s as accurate a caster as they come. He can pinpoint a particular far-away reed and cast an inch in front of it.
We were going for bass, and he explained that bass like to hide out on the perimeters of a lake, under rocks and in between plants. Problem is, I can’t pinpoint anything. I aim my pole right and the line somehow flies left. I aim fifty feet away and it somehow shoots straight up in the air and plunks down five feet in front of the boat.
Fishing is part plain luck, but there’s a lot of strategizing to it, too. You have to pick View the rest of this article

23 Ways To Use An Ad Tracker

The ad tracker was originally developed to provide a record of all hits to a site resulting from ad placements. This article shows a host of different ways to utilise an ad tracker.
#1. The Long Url Problem
Have you ever seen an ad where you are asked to click on an affiliate URL so long that it stretches over 2 lines, like this
http://www/ View the rest of this article

Selecting A Collection Agency

If you run a business, you are sure to have some customers who require a lot of follow-up before they pay you. Often you spend too much time and energy to collect money that is rightfully due to you. Giving this task to a collection agency will help you:
- Concentrate on your core business rather than on non-core tasks like debt recovery.
- Increase your debt collection and reduce bad debt.
Selecting A Collection Agency
You must consider the following factors while selecting a collection agency:
1. Experience
How many years of experience does the collection agency have?
Does it have experience in the debt collection services you require, such as commercial, medical or check collection?
Can it collect debt for your kind of account balan View the rest of this article

Diners - An American Icon

The definition of a diner is typically a narrow structure resembling a railroad dining car with the interior containing a service counter with stools for seating. Food preparation is along the back wall behind the counter.
The first "diners" back in the 1890's were horse drawn wagons on wheels that would park on the city streets and serve their meals similar to today's "fast food" concept.
By the 1920's, diners were manufactured as a permanent structure resembling the original wagon style. The style changed into a more streamlined appearance by the 1930's but business was not brisk until after the depression.
The demand increased after 1945 and spread to the midwest when there were a dozen diner manufacturers making the diners with many View the rest of this article

Friday, January 4, 2008

Network Marketing Recruiting- Are You Recruiting the Wrong People into Your MLM Business?

by Doug Firebaugh

Another mlm distributor falls through the cracks of failure again, and it was the sixth one this month! Last month it was three, and the month before that it was four. And the three I recruited last month are shaky and thinking about quitting!

What in the world is going on?

Ever happened to you?

Man, when I first got in this network marketing business, I had that happen a lot, and it was really frustrating, and quite discouraging.


I discovered something that helped me tremendously in my mlm recruiting efforts. And if you GET IT, then it will help you see that maybe you have been too liberal or not careful enough in your mlm recruiting selection.


B View the rest of this article

Why He Lost Interest After The Chase

Article: Why He Lost Interest After The Chase

I know some women wonder why a man that has chased them day in and day out loses interest in them once he think he has them. Well allow me to let you in on a few things that women do that causes the chaser to no longer have interest.

If a man chases you, of course it’s going to be a gigantic ego boost for you and it’s an adrenaline rush to him. He is actually enjoying the chase. He feel s that each day he chases you is his lucky day to finally get that phone number or even better, a date. You are secretly enjoying the chase because you can’t believe his persistence. He is starting to slightly impress you and you are even thinking about taking a phone call or two from him.

So you have agre View the rest of this article

Need A House And Pet Sitter While You&#39;re Away But Think You Can&#39;t Afford It? Think Again - You Can Find A House Sitter Who Works For Free.

Home owners – Having in-house care for your home and animals while you’re away is not just for those with buckets of money to spend. You may not believe this, but you can find someone who gives away their house and pet sitting services for free. Susan Holtham, editor of the fully online house sitting website,, explains how.
While you're out in the big world, your most precious possessions need to be cared for: your property and your animals. All sorts of service providers have sprung up to cater for this growing market, however, the services of agency-registered pet and house sitters can cost a great deal of money. Friends and family can step into the fold and agree to house sit for you but when someone is doing you a favour they can be notoriousl View the rest of this article

You May Be Losing Valuable Traffic - And Not Even Know It!

You May Be Losing Valuable Traffic - And Not Even Know It! Discover The One Easy Change That Could Save You From Losing Visitors And Sales!

Here's something you may never have thought of before:

If I were to type your domain name…

…into my web browser without the "WWW" so it looked like this…

… would I be immediately sent to your site or would l receive a "Page Not Found" error.

Don't be too quick to answer. Think about it. Have you tried this before?

Because while most Web hosts and Internet Service Providers (ISP's) are now set up to accept both - som View the rest of this article

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Top 5 Reasons Why Women Over 30 Don?t Lose Weight And Kept It Off

Have you heard about it lately? Everywhere you look, women over 30 can find one hundred excuses for not being able to lose weight and keep it off.
Blame it on your thyroid, cortisol, menopause, your hectic lifestyle or even your genes. But, the real reason you find yourself battling those last 15 or 20 pounds all comes down to how you handle five major issues.
#5 Not Understanding How Diets Work
Atkins, South Beach, The Zone, Dr. Phil?You could spend a lifetime trying the over one thousand diets on the market. Have do you simplify things? How do you know you?ve found the ?magic? diet?
Even though this fact may burn the ears of many women, the truth remains that if you want to lose weight, eat less and exercise more. Ouch! I just heard some lady View the rest of this article

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Direct Mail – Don’t Assume, Just Test and Track

Where to Start:

Most novice marketers have definite fixed ideas about direct mail that are way off base - most often in the area of what to spend and how much to do. You should determine what you are able to spend for your marketing budget, spend it, and determine the maximum number of leads that you can create. For instance, I’ve heard this statement quite often: "We aren’t that large of a company. How could we send out 2,000 postcards all at once?" because "What if they all call?" – seems like a valid concern, right?

Here is the reality behind it: Unfortunately they won’t all call. However, a good deal of them very well may and making sure that your traffic in is not more than you can handle is something to think about. View the rest of this article

Colon Cleansing And Colon Cancer Prevention

The colon is one of the most important organs in the body. It?s intended purpose is to return water and nutrients into our bodies and help us eliminate waste. American diets are low in fiber and digestive enzymes. This causes the body produce digestive enzymes at the expense of immune system enzymes.
The low level of fiber prevents the colon from cleaning itself and causes a buildup of toxic matter in the colon. The buildup of toxic matter in the colon can lead to many health problems, the most serious of which is colon cancer. The weakened immune system is unable to fight the disease.
Colon cleansing helps the body rid itself of toxic matter. This in turn allows the colon to aid in the digestive process and allows the production of immune system enzymes to r View the rest of this article

Home Mortgage Lenders - How To Find A Good Mortgage Broker Online

Mortgage lenders have set up shop online, but they aren?t all reputable mortgage brokers. To find a good mortgage lender you need to compare rates and research to find reputable companies.
Mortgage Broker Services
A mortgage broker works with several lenders to find the best financing for the purchase of a home. No matter if you have perfect credit or bad credit, typically a mortgage broker can find you a lower mortgage rate than if you went with your neighborhood bank.
It is important to remember that brokers are paid by adding on a fee or point to the loan, so you should do comparison shopping even with a mortgage broker.
One Stop Shopping
Online mortgage brokers have reduced time spent comparing mortgage lenders by consolidating i View the rest of this article

Network Marketing Training- Top 15 Power Phrases for Prospecting Business Professionals into MLM

by Doug Firebaugh

What do you say to a small business owner? How do you talk to them about your Network marketing business? Many people have tried, and totally failed.


They simply do not understand that small business owners do not talk "mlm-ease." They do not know what a "downline" or "upline" is, and most don't really want to know.


Business owners want to know one thing: What is going to increase their profits and productivity.

We recruited hundreds of small business owners in our MLM group when we were active, and all were pretty much recruited the same way and with the same type of words and power phrases.

There are 2 things that you must understand about recruiting busines View the rest of this article

Are You A Good Candidate For Distance Learning?

If you have the self-determination and drive to listen well and study harder then you can learn in a live university or an online school. But some people seem better suited than others for distance learning programs. Researchers have found that one of the factors that contributes to an effective distance learner in addition to the ability to work hard is their personality type.
Their studies have discovered that people who have the ability to get their energy from inside sources are generally better candidates for online learning. It’s effective in distance learning because most of your learning time is spent working and studying alone. So if you have trouble with that you may have problems in getting an online degree.
If your personality type will allow you View the rest of this article

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Getting Paid - Why Does It Have To Be So Confusing?

There are many different reasons why people choose to get involved in network marketing. Although it may not be the primary reason for many people, getting paid will be rank high on most people's list.
So it makes sense that, when you are deciding which of the many available network marketing opportunities to get involved in, that part of your evaluation process will consider the payment, or commission scheme in place.
At this point things can get a bit complex. Unsurprisingly, almost every network marketing company in business today will claim to have the best pay plan available. They probably genuinely believe this (and they might be right) and will usually devote several sheets of paper or screens to show this to you in all its glory. Expect to see the wor View the rest of this article

Her Dog Defecates In The Crate

A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel owner wrote to me with the following question:
"Dear Adam:
We recently got a four month-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
We can't seem to housebreak him. I've tried what your book and tape said to do. He goes "#2" in his crate. I have been doing what you suggested, but would like some advice on the crate issue. Thank you.
Dear Brenda:
The best solution to this problem is to build an outdoor kennel run on grass or pea gravel so that the dog can get reconditioned to eliminate on this flooring substance and not in the crate.
Otherwise, when you take him outside to go to the bathroom, you might have to wait longer to get a bowel movement. If the dog is on a schedule, make sure you get him outside after View the rest of this article