Saturday, June 30, 2007

How to Make Money from Information Products

What is an information product?

The simplest definition is an info-product is any product

that teaches something, or provides information.

That could include a book, audiotape, class, seminar,

computer program, or report. Before the internet,

information products were expensive to develop and

extraordinarily difficult to distribute. Publishers,

agents, engineers, classrooms, advertising all had to be

taken into consideration.

The internet streamlines the process of distribution. Books

and courses can now be downloaded immediately, without the

costs of middlemen, production, and mailing. The upside is

greater access to information to everybody. But because

virtually anyone can create a product, the quality of all

this information is less controlled. Caveat emptor.

Thankfully, our discussion today is not about ethics or


The goal here is to get you thinking about what you could


Online types of information you could develop and sell


• Electronic books or e-books

• An e-course—which consists of a series of email lessons

people receive over a

period of time

• Teleclasses or teleseminars—which are group seminars held

over a telephone

bridge line.

• Audio CDs, data CDs, or multi-CD programs of seminars or

interviews you’ve given

• Special reports available for download from your website

• Combinations of the above

Why would a service professional want to create an

information product?

First, to increase their credibility. A personal injury

attorney fights an uphill battle to appear ethical. A

complimentary report to all inquiries on how to identify if

a case has merit would begin to establish the attorney as

credible and competent. It might also shorten the lead and

intake time, while providing a valuable service to the


I took a class years ago in basic auto mechanics, just to

avoid getting scammed. The man who taught it had his own

shop in auto maintenance. Who do you remains my mechanic 18

years later? By giving away “trade secrets,”  Mike proved

his trustworthiness to me.

And of course we know a published book immediately

establishes its writer as an expert. The online equivalent,

or e-book, is generally self-published, but still goes a

long way toward enhancing expert status.

Second, an info-product can help you create multiple income

streams. Because most of these can be downloaded any time

of the day or night, without any input from you, you could

literally make money while you sleep. It takes time to

advertise and promote your products, so you may not want to

quit your day job just yet. But the idea is that once

you’ve got the product out there, 90% of your work is done.

There are 3 questions you want to ask if you’re thinking

about creating something?

One, who is your target market? For example, although women

in transition includes about 50% of the planet, women who

like to develop gardens on their fire escape is a bit more

targeted and therefore far easier to market. Make sure your

information is relevant and interesting to your market. In

1995, this article would not have been perceived as

worthwhile to most people. But had someone implemented the

information, they would have become very wealthy.

Two, what does this audience want and need? If they don’t

want it, it doesn’t matter how much they need it—there’s no

sale. You should not only know a lot about what your

audience wants, but you should love it. It’s truly no fun

to write about something you’re dispassionate about. I did

it for years, and I’ll never choose or need to do it again.


Three, what are the specific benefits you want to provide

your reader? I’m going to be so bold as to suggest there

are only ten benefits anyone actually wants, if that, so

you don’t need to rack your brains here.

What are the benefits? Jim Daniels listed them in his great

e-book entitled “E-book Secrets”:

Make money

Save money

Save time

Avoid effort

Increase comfort

Increase cleanliness

Increase health

Escape pain

Increase praise

Increase popularity

Once you’ve figured out your target market, the benefits

you want them to receive, and the appropriate delivery

format, you need to think about presenting your information

in an original way.

How can you present what you know in a way that is unique?

You’re not expected to create ground breaking information,

but try to present what you know in a different way from

others. Sometimes we need to read the same information a

dozen times before we get it. What causes something to

resonate with someone could be a variety of things: the

voice, the style, the format in which it’s presented.

Experiment with what works for you.
Self-Employed Professionals:
For more information on building your business using the
internet, see

Article Source:

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