Saturday, June 30, 2007

Apache, Mysql & Php For Windows

"Even if you are a seasoned PHP, MySQL and Apache guru, the

checklist below will still be helpful in your installation



Apache, MysQL and PHP for Windows could be a nice nice thing to

have on your Windows workstation. You could try and experiment

with all kinds of nice PHP and MySQL based applications right

on your Windows desktop running Apache, instead of having to

access a full-featured server.


Most people have Windows as their workstation and it can be

sometimes difficult to switch to another operating system. So,

you may have always wanted to run PHP applications on your

Windows machine but wondered if it is too difficult to install

or if the hassle will be worth it.


This article gives you the essential information to get started

right away. Even if you are a seasoned PHP, MySQL and Apache

guru, the checklist below will still be helpful in your

installation process.


There are lots of 3rd party software that bundles Apache, MySQL

& PHP in one package and installs them on our computer. We do

not recommend this and suggest that you directly get Apache,

MySQL & PHP from their official sites.




1. Get Apache 1.3.33 from here:


2. Choose a mirror close to you and in the same page, look for

the Win32 Binary (Self extracting) file:



3. Download the file and save it on your hard disk. Run the

installer and the self-extracting wizard will guide you through

the rest of the steps. Choose all the default settings and run

Apache as a service.


4. Remember to put "localhost" when asked for a Server

name/Domain name. Use "administrator@localhost" when asked for

the administrative email account.


5. Now point your browser to: http://localhost and you should

see an Apache Test Page.


6. You can change this page by creating an "index.html" page

here "C:Program FilesApache GroupApachehtdocs".


7. You can manually start and stop the Apache server. In a

Windows command prompt, type "net stop apache" or "net start






1. Get MySQL 4.1.7 from here:


2. Under the Windows downloads section, choose Windows

Essentials (x86) and click on the Pick a Mirror link.


3. Download the file mysql-4.1.7-essential-win.msi and save it

on your hard disk. Run the installer and the self-extracting

wizard will guide you through the rest of the steps. Remember

the root password when prompted for it in the installation



4. Once the installation is done, on your Windows toolbar, go

to "Start->Programs->MySQL->MySQL Server 4.1->MySQL Command

Line Client".


5. Type the root password and you should be logged in to the

MySQL shell.


6. Type "show databases;" to see the list of databases. Type

"quit" when you are done.





1. Get PHP 4.3.10 from here:


2. Under the Windows Binaries section, choose the file: PHP

4.3.10 zip package size 7,405Kb dated 15 Dec 2004.


3. Download the file and save it on your hard disk. Unzip the

file and rename the extracted folder to "php". Now move this

folder "php" and place it under "C:Program Files".


4. Move all the files under "C:Program Filesphpdlls" and

"C:Program Filesphpsapi" to here: "C:Program Filesphp".


5. Copy the file php.ini-recommended to "C:WINDOWS" and rename

it to php.ini


6. Edit your Apache "httpd.conf" configuration file located

here: "C:Program FilesApache GroupApacheconf".


7. Add the following lines in httpd.conf:


LoadModule php4_module "C:/Program Files/php/php4apache.dll"

AddModule mod_php4.c

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php


8. Now stop your server by issuing the following command in

Windows command prompt: "net stop apache". Then type "net start

apache" to start your server. We are now going to test the PHP



9. Go to "C:Program FilesApache GroupApachehtdocs" and

create a file test.php


10. Edit test.php and add the following code:


<? php




11. Point your browser to http://localhost/test.php and you

should see a lot of PHP configuration information.


Congratulations! You now have Apache, MySQL and PHP installed

in your computer. Now you can install your favorite script

right on your Windows workstation.
Sanjib Ahmad, Freelance Writer and Product
Consultant for

Article Source:

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